

From “deceiver” to “God-wrestler”

From deceiver to God-wrestler

A word from Genesis. “So the present went on over before him, but he himself lodged that night in the camp. And he arose that night and took his two wives, his two female servants, and his eleven sons, and crossed…

Christ’s prayer for his own

Christ's prayer for his own

We studied Apostle Paul’s prayers, how he prayed for the church. There’s a lot of exhortation there, because these prayers contain the teaching of Jesus Christ presented in all its beauty and fullness. And today we have this divine assignment…

New wine

New wine

The Lord revealed to us a certain time ago about woman, who is a prototype of the church, that she gives blood three times. First is when a girl starts having after the manner of women. Mature parents celebrate this…

Mystery of embodiment

Mystery of embodiment

“That was the true light which lights every man coming into the world”. (John 1:9) The true light – that is, there is an untrue light. But that was the true light which lights every man coming into the world.…

Mistery of grace

Mistery of grace

I would like to speak on such a stirring topic as grace. There’s a word expression, which they use to define grace – “undeserved gift”. This sounds perfect, but far from the fullness of its meaning. If to think of…

Mountain prayer

Mountain prayer

Strategic Prayer for the Body I have noticed that the Lord blesses us in a special way on the mountain. I see it by the word He gives. I don’t plan it as any planner makes plans, but it comes,…

Bedstead of Og against Solomon’s

As we prayed during our worship time I received a revealed Word. It is about the bedstead of Og. “For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the giants. Indeed his bedstead was an iron bedstead (Is it not in Rabbah of the people of Ammon?)

Church of Free Praise (Cry from the Swamp)

Church of Free Praise (Cry from the Swamp)
There are days when there isn't much bread. Even in the days of Abraham, there was famine on the earth. It was because of the famine that Abraham began to roam. It is actually similar to the refugee movement today. Abraham fled from the famine to Egypt.