Worship ministry

Sing to the LORD a new song, sing His praise from the end of the earth! You who go down to the sea, and all that is in it. You islands, and those who dwell on them. Let the wilderness and its cities lift up their voices, the settlements where Kedar inhabits. Let the inhabitants of Sela sing aloud, let them shout for joy from the tops of the mountains. Let them give glory to the Lord and declare His praise in the coastlands! (Is.42:10-12)

The Word of God calls all the nations of the earth to sing a new song and give praises to the Only One worthy of it. In our church we responded to that call with all our hearts from the very beginning, when through a revelation of the Spirit He pointed us at what He desires us to be – the Church of Free Worship. So we give ourselves to search and fulfill His desire, and He continues to lead us the ways of the Spirit, so that His people may experience open Heaven, His love and His fire, hear His calling and get healed, bring freely our love to our God in worship as a sweet fragrance before His Throne.

As we went into the nations the Lord revealed His desire to hear the original song of the first-born nations played with their heart instrument, their Shoshan, connected to the sound of their land. So wherever we go we seek that the Сhurch of Christ may be clothed in their national clothes and express their worship with their heart song and the rhythm of the land. And that is what truly opens up the Heaven and the Lord pours out His Rain of the Spirit.




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We received a prompting from God to join the Eastern Gate (as the Star of Christ rose from the East) with the Gates of this world (Northern, Western and Southern) for the Apostolic equalization. Raven is a part of redemption of sons and daughters sitting in darkness. It is the bird that brings food to prophets. And Lithuanian folk music is a symbol of redemption of the country that used to take the top place in suicide and drugs in Europe. For the pure everything is pure. The power of redemption goes down into the very bottom of hell.

In this video we’ve laid out splitting “window” represented by such depictions as:

  • A ring with Christ’s blood drop as a reward sign for carrying the cross by Simon

  • The disappeared “Gioconda” by Leonardo da Vinci (as a prototype of those who lost their salvation)

  • A deaf boy who heard a sound for the first time

  • Breakthroughs of light in the world of Islam

  • A copper crystal

  • The Angel of Spain

  • The moon over Potala

  • A wall in an African Church that had been fired on

  • A lion set free from a trap that had shackled his neck for a long time. Other lions would bring him food and water

  • The sacred white deer “Seneca” as a prototype of Christ for the small ethnic nations

We have published this video with the awareness that a new way is opening up into the new prophetic dimension.

breathe from the eastern gate
The Lord has put the Song of different nations of the earth into our spirit. Through singing out God’s Word laid in folk music of the nations we release Redemption to lands and nations from the Eastern Gates. That way the new worship album was birthed called “The Breath from the Eastern Gates”. The album included songs: 

Redeeming Tibet with God’s Word, Ismail, Unto the Land, Song of Moses, The Raven…