I would like to speak on such a stirring topic as grace. There’s a word expression, which they use to define grace – “undeserved gift”. This sounds perfect, but far from the fullness of its meaning. If to think of grace in the legal aspect, then yes, this term fits, meaning that the gifts you’ve been given is greater than you cost.
For instance you meet a worthless empty man, and you give him all that you have – you feeling is that you did something wrong, he didn’t appreciate it accordingly, but wasted it for nothing, and you realize you could’ve made a better investment.
From this point of view, I think the Lord does not scatter the grace, because it is very expensive, it is very precious. I used to think, as Protestants teach, that like the ocean overflowed wide – “there you are, kids, you can do whatever you want with this, it’s enough for all of you!” And everybody bathes and splashes in this grace, and everybody has enough. I don’t think it works this way.
When we speak of the purposes of grace and different manifestations of its nature, more and more I get and understanding that grace is so precious that it is not in the road, but even the Lord values it so much that He gives it by measure, neither more nor less. It is also written that He does not give His Spirit with a limit. But these are completely different things.
I wouldn’t say that grace is an undeserved gift, because it is written that Noah found grace in the sight of the Lord. In other words, he deserved this grace, he earned it. We can see this “found grace in the New Testament as well”. It is not once that we read in the Bible, how some person “found grace”, that is, he deserved and earned it. What is it that he earned? Not the grace, which is an undeserved gift, but that which was fairly poured out on him – he found (obtained) grace.
Think about how you obtain grace. Those who are attentive to your spiritual experience – and we all should be – you’ve noticed that when you sacrifice to God – He responds namely to sacrifice. That is you can dedicate a fast or other sacrificing effort, you expect an answer and the answer comes. This means you’ve obtained certain grace, that is, you’ve earned and deserved it.
We are not talking about salvation, because Christ purchased it for us, but at the same time don’t push here, because not all are saved. When I received this grace and blessing to have critical thinking in regard to the theology, which I believed in the beginning, I started to reveal for myself many truths that made me richer in understanding. And I find that actually every person makes his own journey in the knowledge of God. And because we are joined in one Body by communion, common life, faith, prayer and spirit – we go together, and the Spirit of truth keeps us in salvation.
This “underserved gift” speaks nothing to me of who, why, what for, to whom… I want to know this topic in detail, because I want to live under grace! For me this is a vitally important question, and I can’t treat it lightly. Some people may lie in the beach enjoying or have a coke with ice and say “such a grace!” – Where did you get that?
Let us go through some Scriptures:
“ For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17) And we read the word “grace” even in the Old Testament, when Noah found grace before God. Well, how can it be an undeserved gift, when Noah was the only righteous man on earth? He certainly deserved it, and the Lord said to him to build the arch. Because Noah was a righteous man and walked before God! This is a deserved gift! And Jesus Christ was already part of it, because the grace that even Noah had came through Jesus Christ. Of course the Son of God was already then, He wasn’t born when the Man was born. He was, He created even to the dust of the earth.
God multiplies grace. And you can increase the measure of grace. How? Through humility. It is written “He gives more grace. Why he said, God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6) That is, you humble yourself – grace increases, you are being proud grace decreases. But all things are in the grace – God is in the grace, gifts are in the grace, fullness of joy, your salvation, your life are in the grace. And you can initiate the increase of the grace through voluntarily humbling yourself.
We must live under grace. I want to ask you – how do you live? Some people don’t forgive other people’s mistakes. And such people suffer themselves – when he judges another man, it means he has no peace inside. Why should you follow other people at all and be so quick to judge and control? I think such people are not under grace. Are you your brother’s keeper? Does sin lie at your door?
“For sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not under the law, but under grace”. (Rom.6:14)
It says here that if sin has dominion, then the man is under the law. But when you are under grace, even when he makes a mistake, the sin has no dominion, but he receives forgiveness and continues on, sin doesn’t torment him. Grace draws near, but sin drags. It’s not said in vain: “If you are doing what is good, shouldn’t you hold your head high? And if you don’t do what is good, sin is crouching at your door – it wants you, but you rule over it.” (Gen.4:7)
Grace lifts you up, but sin has dominion over you. I think, those people sin, who are not under grace. We should learn to live under grace. Think about what it means.
Grace is such a dimension or concept that walks with saints. I hope I bring with this teaching a certain measure of grace. I need to cooperate with the grace that you may receive it. Paul says “And in this confidence I was minded to come to you before, that you might have a second grace” (2Cor.1:15). It turns out that people who walk under grace, they carry grace. He brings not a problem, tension or suspicion, gossip or dull spirit, but he brings grace. Therefore, do your best to be one full of light and carry grace, to be an attractive person. Every person on earth needs grace and he feels it, and we need to learn to live under grace so that we carry grace. Paul was an arch and carried grace. What do people receive through you, when you come? Think about it.
“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work”. (2Cor. 9:8)
We can be enriched with grace, and keep getting enriched not once, but regularly, not by any lottery chance, but every time be enriched with all grace. I am glad today that I have the grace today to share and strengthen you with this wonderful word and not reproach. And I myself keep getting enriched, keep receiving my miracle and knowing the multiple manifestations of grace for my body, soul and spirit.
There are innumerable manifestations of “all” the grace, think about it and enjoy. Receive God’s gifts with gratitude – this is a path to get enriched. Every time we make a choice, which attitude to have – to give thanks and praise or complain. How can you be enriched if you complain and grumble?
The Lord doesn’t cast His grace just like that, but it is very precious and is as if of cosmic platinum material. And each of us is give grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. We all have been give grace, but – watch out – according to the measure of the gift of Christ! You may think, why don’t I see dreams, why am I not given a sermon, why am I not a prophet?.. Well, you can multiply your grace, but the Lord knows how much to give to you. And this is all one same grace that is give in regard to body, soul and spirit, which is God’s kiss to man. You receive it with gratitude and multiply through humility. But first you receive and thank, because envy poisons all things, it can penetrate everywhere like rust and poison even the most holy places. Christ was crucified because of envy.
One has to keep grace, because they steel it, it can leek, it gets insulted.
“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us keep grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear” (Heb.12:28) – We serve by grace! Let us keep the grace, which has been given to us.
Grace strengthens. “Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them.”(Heb.13:9) Be established by grace, praying, singing in the spirit, and not be occupied with foods…
Apostles in their letters use the word grace all the time to give greetings. And altogether this word is used multiple times. That is, they thought of grace, they spoke this word, they lived under grace. You want to live under grace and never think of it? That is a very serious lack we need to correct today and exercise even more this teaching of grace. Now I am only touching it, but it is an incredible power and might.
“…having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace, which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence”. (Eph.1:5-8)
Grace has its glory and riches! If there are riches in heaven, those are the riches of grace! Why then am I afraid, what do I fear and tremble as if the air were to cease? Riches of His grace!
I would distinguish a few types of grace. First is corporate grace, which is common for us all in one place, worship and prayer, word preached, we are all church members happy and blessed in one family. This is good.
There’s personal grace. As Paul says, “I received grace and apostleship…” – the Lord met him and gave him the grace to be an Apostle. The Lord humbled him – he got blind, had to go to Damascus, there a disciple came to him, laid hands on him after the word of the Lord, as he didn’t want to go to him. Saul received a prophecy “for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake”. (Acts 9:15-16) That was his personal grace he received.
It is spoken of Christ: “that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone”(Heb.2:9) That’s a grace – to taste death… And only those who are beyond Jordan know that this is the sweetest grace.
I think there’s also exclusive grace, which is not given to all. Moses received exclusive grace, when amidst of the boys’ death he was taken into the pharaoh’s house and brought up there. David, when from the sheep he was taken into king’s palace; and Samuel came with the horn full of oil and anointed him king, as the Lord had spoken. And he kept walking under anointing and the Lord was with him wherever he went. This is exclusive grace, the election.
But I would encourage yet another type of grace – shaking or exploding grace, which tears you apart so that you can’t believe for months that it’s meant for you. I think it is when Ezekiel saw the heavens. Moses and Abraham had it, when he saw His day. That is, when people saw the glory. Moses saw God, Ezekiel saw the One seated on the throne, not only Cherubim.
I think this is the grace that refers either to the highest revelation of glory or the greatest love. I remember I met a prisoner bishop, who came here, he was a German. He shared how he asked God to experience His love, and the Lord said He would once show him His love. While in imprisonment in once place this brother was amidst really mean and wicked people. One of those got to really not like this brother and once rushed at him with a huge pot lid, to hit him. And suddenly time slowed down, and the picture became as if in slow motion, and the brother watch how the man’s face got distorted in rage as he rushed at him, but suddenly such love fell upon him and filled him like a sweet nectar that he nearly died – so much he was overwhelmed. He hear the Lord say to him: “I told you I would show you – this is My love”. And he rushed towards the man with open arms and we joined in embrace. This is a revelation of the moment of eternity.
I think this is shaking exploding grace where they stand together – to see God’s glory and to experience revelation of the crushing love of God. But I suppose this is one thing, because God’s glory is love.
Grace is the crown of the church, love being our banner.
And we’ve got to respond to the grace, manifest courage, as grace is stretched to some of us. Some were given grace, but didn’t respond to it, and now they suffer lack. So you’ve got to have courage to respond, because the grace is calling.
And of course, there are further ways when grace is fulfilled. Moses died when he was 120, and his strength and sight had not faded – isn’t that grace of such powerful energy. When Sarah died Abraham took Keturah, and it was a new season in his life, and he bore sons – God gave grace. David was anointed king several times with oil, prophets and priest, and every time he was renewed.
Paul had it with staying single. He said, no guys, it’s neither Sarah nor Keturah. It’s Jesus. Such a beauty, and it’s all about grace! And I wish you all the grace!