Voice from the Eastern Gate

Voice from the Eastern Gate

Third appearance of Jesus

Third appearance of Jesus
I want to share from the Gospel of John on a very interesting topic - the third appearance of Jesus. It is not in vain that Scripture says that this appearance was the third. In this appearance, Jesus left a certain sealed secret.

Role shift

Role shift
I’ve been reflecting on such a thing that there are replacements in the world. Man under fear of suffering, which is the younger sister of death, is afraid of change, shift. We all keep talking about changes that are coming, how we need them, but deep inside we don’t want them, because they provoke both work, and suffering, and doubt, and pain.

Time of new prophets

Desolation has come to the House of God. Samuel grew bigger and bigger. Look, the right law of discipleship was violated here. What happened? - A lazy pastor who didn’t notice that a young prophet was ascending.

New high places

New high places
David had to become a warrior. He overcame severe trials. This was not a simple man. Then he became a sweet singer - he had to play, he cast out demons out of Saul, then he took instruments of praise from the enemies, he established praise in Israel. And, not being an architect, he even made a drawing of the temple.

Connecting with creation

Connecting with creation
Man is the most complex and beautiful creation. Apocalypse is about the inside of man. The perfect shape of the ark is not a wooden box, but a human body. The wooden box was like an image of the heavenly, like a shadow.