Voice from the Eastern Gate

Voice from the Eastern Gate

New encounter with Jesus

New encounter with Jesus

I will read God’s Word. This is the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 26. “Peter answered and said to Him, “Even if all are made to stumble because of You, I will never be made to stumble.”Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say…

New shifts


Fruitful life Sunday (russ. “resurrection”) is a reminder to the whole world that it is resurrection day. Think about it, why was this day called that? Because Jesus Christ has risen. Saturday is Shabbat. But for God’s people, there’s this…

But you continue to love

But you continue to love

Today we celebrate The Lord’s Easter. What is Easter? This is the center of our understanding of God, because Christ is risen. On a passionate Friday, he died, and on Saturday he was doing the work beyond the curtain, work…

There is still room

There is still room

God gave man the law. Thunders rolled, trumpets sounded, the people feared, trembled and asked Moses to go into the cloud, because they were afraid. And on the mountain God gave Moses the tablets of the covenant, which Moses broke…

Two portals

Two portals

We need to experience personal revelation. When we convey things that we have heard, but they haven’t become our personal revelation, then it is knowledge that hasn’t been acquired. It remains in the head, but we are not armed with…

Peter’s ladder

Peter's ladder

My calendar has shifted. On the one hand, it stretched, and on the other, it shifted.  On the outside the time flew quickly, but on a deep inner level, a lot happened from God. Someone once said that if you…