A song of eight of verses

A song of eight of verses

“Who is she who looks forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, awesome as an army with banners? I went down to the garden of nuts to see the verdure of the valley, to see whether the vine had budded and the pomegranates had bloomed. Before I was even aware, my soul had made me drawn to the chariots of my noble people. ” (Song of Songs 6:10-12).

This is an experience of contemplation and immersion in certain portals, which, like the stones of revelation in David’s bag, found harmony with each other. Each of them separately requires high attention, and they continue to interact with each other within the bag. And the bag is our soul and our spirit.

There were several revelations that were in tune with what is happening, and the first was about a wonderful song that was sung from the mountain. It is amazing! We are in the mountains here.


“A very high mountain from which one can see the distant earth and the heavens, which join together with the earth at a far distance into one creation.

At the top of it sits the man of God, he has a wondrous musical instrument. It’s as if it were in his hands, but at the same time, it’s a part of him. Although the instrument is in his hands, but at the same time it comes out of him. It is a combination of many instruments. There is a neck and strings, but at the same time there are keys on it. On the side and in the middle are bongs and tambourines, from large and loud ones, to small ones, like Tibetan, sonorous ones, there is also a vargan and a shofar with a very wide ending that rushes upward. And there are many more marvelous and unknown ones, ancient and very modern, which all make up one thing.

The man of God is playing it.

The sound flows into the distance, and where the earth joins with the heavens, it colors this joining with new and wonderful colors, a beautiful melody flows, as if simultaneously from many instruments, although it is not visible how they are touched, they all sound at the right time.

I heard one of the songs. It was Psalm 84, which poured out a song of love – very, very beautiful, tender and firm:

“How lovely is Your tabernacle, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints

For the courts of the Lord; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.

Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, Where she may lay her young—even Your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God.

Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; they will still be praising You. 

Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage.

As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a spring; the rain also covers it with pools. They go from strength to strength; each one appears before God in Zion. O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer; give ear, O God of Jacob! 

O God, behold our shield, and look upon the face of Your anointed. For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness. For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold

from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in You!” (Psalm 84:1-12)

Such a song flowed from this instrument, which was an extension of the man of God, such a song flowed – a song of love, a song of worship, a song of devotion to one’s God. And this is incredibly sweet, because the soul is tired, wanting to enter the courtyards. And the bird here is touched, and the powers, and those living in the house, and the valleys of tears, and the rain. David walked such unexplored paths of glory, when he was able to experience such wonderful and wondrous ways of grace, that the Lord called him “a man after His own heart.” This is incredible, glorious and wonderful!


“I see the feet of some brothers and sisters entangled in the webs that not only held them, but also brought pain and suffering. Some people, as they saw them, walked past, afraid of getting confused, some wanted to help, but had no understanding of how to do it.

A man of God appeared with a double-edged sword in his hand and began to cut these nets, thus freeing the brother and sister, and then treated the wounds with salt, which seemed to cause even more pain, but it accelerated the recovery process. Then the man of God gave instructions to each liberated brother and sister to put on new shoes and walk in new ways.”

This is happening here – the Lord is making sobering.

We, having a certain job, labor and life, everyday routine in our places, slightly lose the sharp look from the outside, how God sees us – our gaze, vision and hearing become dull, and suddenly some kind of insight comes, it brings pain, it’s like waking up , rest your hand, and then recover. Awakening brings about the same effect; it’s natural when it hurts.

And here in this vision it was shown that the webs entangled the legs, but they brought pain – not only held, but brought pain. God’s sword cut these nets and treated them with salt, which brought even more pain, but restoration occurred. And we needed to take new shoes – this is very important, this is God’s answer to our yesterday’s questions: we need to take new shoes in order to walk in new shoes with new, restored feet.

And one more revelation.

“A strong wind from the Eastern Gate is like a hurricane, which many feared. Because this wind was the wind of change.”

Take this word into your spirit today – the wind of change. Ask for the wind of change! No matter how good everything seems to you, and no matter how scary it may be that changes will come into our lives and shake our stability, ask for the wind of change! Our calling is to go, our calling is to be a pilgrim on earth, so call on the wind of change so that we do not become rigid.

“…After which some had to start all over again, but they were already accustomed to living in comfort and convenience. Only a few were ready for such a wind. This is the way they lived – always having an awareness of the temporary – that the time of transition into the new would come. They were always girded and never set their hearts on earthly things.”

This is such beauty! These people accepted this wind, while others are accustomed to living in comfort and convenience. And some had to start all over again. But others were ready for this wind and always lived with their waistbands on and did not set their hearts on earthly things.

Another revelation:

“I see the man of God, he is on the peak of a mountain, it is very high, and its peak is so sharp that it seems impossible to stand there in human terms. I see how beings who look like mighty Angels hand over scrolls of the Word of God, and he eats each of them, after which he sings them like an open song.

After that the man of God started calling each brother and sister to this peak one by one. There were brothers and sisters who were awake – they immediately climbed to this mountain peak. There were those who stood still and didn’t know what to do or how.

There was a voice with faith: “These are wings!” After which many climbed to the peak of this mountain, and these beings gave scrolls to each brother and sister, after which each declared the Word of God over their lands. From this peak the whole earth could be seen. It’s as if God was running through all of the earth.”

Listen to the Word where we proclaimed the purity of faith from Joel. This is a message even to the beasts, even to the hills, to Israel, and it spoke of the Spirit that was to come after all this. Proclaim it over your churches, hear how it was proclaimed here. Proclaim this over your cities and regions. Proclaim this place from Joel.

Let the earth be filled with this voice of Pentecost! It was this Word that Peter spoke on the day of Pentecost, this was the liberation, the unsealing and the affirmation that this revival had taken place – when the Holy Spirit came upon the one hundred and twenty people who were in the upper room according to the promise.

And one more powerful revelation.

“It was shown how, in search of water, the man of God found a secret well, which no man had ever found before. The man of God bent down into this well to look into it and tried to reach the water with his hand and scoop it up with his palm. But the water in this well was somewhere really low, so that it could not even be seen in the dark, one could only hear the water making sounds from afar.

Then the man of God threw a small stone, from the splash of which it was clear that the well was very deep, and the water in it was very far below. Then the man of God began to descend into this well, clinging to its walls with his hands and feet, the lower he got, the less light there was, until it became completely dark in the well so that there were no any external sounds anymore. There was a feeling of fear and a desire to return to the top, but he continued to descend further to reach the water.

Then it was shown how the man of God got down very deep and reached the water of this well. But, having touched the water of this well, an irresistible desire arose to dive into this water and reach the bottom of the well. It was shown how the man of God dived in and at a depth touched the bottom of this well with his hand. When he touched the bottom, it seemed to disappear before him, and from there, from the depths, a golden Angel appeared, who was as if many gold pieces of jewelry, from which a soft glow emanated. He handed the man of God a scroll sealed with a seal for him to eat. After this, the Angel led the man of God further, to the second bottom of the well, which also disappeared before him when he touched it with his hand. Then, behind the second bottom, another Angel appeared before him, who was like many pieces of jewelry of blackened gold with rubies on each of the pieces. He gave the man of God another scroll, which had two seals, so that he would also eat it and continue to sink to the third bottom of the well. Then the man of God reached the third bottom of the well, where he found the third scroll, sealed with three seals, and when he ate it, the mystery of the judgments of the Almighty in the Universe, Who judges righteously, was being revealed to him.”

Amazing revelation!

I would like to go over the milestones of revelations that we went through at Duvdevan school. I will simply proclaim them over us, over our brethren as a song.

These are eight verses of one song. Take it as an eight verse song.

We spoke about a believer, who should always be contemporary.  He should not be outdated, old-fashioned, shabby and old, regardless of age. He must be timely and relevant. Jesus was a contemporary man, He was not ancient. This doesn’t mean that He dressed “according to the latest fashion.” But as you interacted with Him, you could see that He was contemporary. And we reasoned that we should understand even more who a contemporary man is. But one thing is clear – that he speaks a language that is understandable for the modern world, he speaks a relevant language, he is interesting, attractive, beautiful, and this is wonderful. Are you a contemporary, spiritual person? Think about it, especially leaders.

Harmony of Apostleship and Worship. We spoke that even through labor you can contemplate, you can do business not only as a mission, but as worship. You can worship through work, you can worship through creativity. And we said that there must be harmony between ministry to the world, ministry of good works, works of mercy and also the internal movement of grace, when you serve heaven, you serve God in union with Him. This harmony of the inner flow of the river, which flows in you by grace and emanates from you outward, is accomplished in one man of God – this is Apostleship and worship.

The next verse of this song is about exercised senses. When our feelings and senses are not what frightens us or confuses us, leading to superstition or mystic, but these feelings start being like those in Christ Jesus. Our feelings, emotions, serve us in the inner man, and they become controllable, they lead us to the land of righteousness. And then the Lord can use our feelings as the voice of the Lord. We hear our feelings and delight in the voice of the Lord.

Therefore, not all feelings need to be believed. We need to train them to serve our spirit, to obey our spirit. You need to master your senses.

The next thing we spoke is about multiplying wells.

We talked about how Isaac reclaimed his father’s wells, gave them the former names because there was no point in renaming them. And he also took new wells, found wells of the living water, made covenants. And today we still see some wells that have been preserved from ancient times.

Multiply your wells. Find wells into the past in your cities. And also dig new ones where people will drink. Where the gates to heaven will be opened above this place. Not only places of historical events, but also new places that are a ministry of grace. And the ministry of grace, prophetic breakthroughs can become powerful wells where incredible heavy heavenly water can be supplied to you for an indefinite period.

The next verse is a changed testimony. We talked about revising our testimonies. Sometimes they are very banal. On the way up the mountain you see from one angle. And for years people give one and the same testimony. But a changed testimony is the most important thing the Lord is doing in your life now. And your testimony continues to live as a being, it is part of your breath of the spirit. The Lord said: “You are my witnesses.” It is not something static, it changes and grows. The emphasis must change. The higher a person rises, the different perspectives open to him. What seemed big becomes small, and what was small becomes big.

Therefore, shift your emphasis. Write again – and you will see that it is as if we were talking about a completely different person. Don’t hold on to your old testimony, change it. And we talked about spiritual growth that changes a testimony. So, a changed testimony of a growing spiritual man.

We also spoke about the quality of life. That it is possible to live in a negative and destructive state of things – when you live in fears that increasingly take possession of you. You live in unbelief, doubt, when negative feelings and negativity shape your character, which can shape your destiny. We spoke about how you can shift into complete trust, victory over fears, a life of faith, a life of receiving promises. We spoke about the quality of life when we completely trust God and achieve the guidance of the Holy Spirit. “All who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God.” And you know that the highest level of quality of life is being led by the Spirit, when a person lives a spiritual life.

And we also spoke about the secret room, that it is there that a person’s life actually happens. It prepares man for eternity. If your secret room is a burden, then the prayer life, spending life in the Word, alone with God, the heavens – all this is very difficult to perceive as your family. It is the secret room that shapes us as a person of heaven who gets used to what will be in heaven. This is eternal abiding with God. Transform your secret rooms with God into delight. Find that thin stream of sweet water, that bliss where you will love the presence of God, when you love it and cultivate it in your life. This secret room is the real you, this is a secret meeting with yourself. If you are released into the desert and left alone with wild nature, then you will begin to pray in a way, which is difficult to find in the city. Wild prayer, prayer for survival, when the wild instincts of the Spirit awaken – that’s where you are real. And in the secret room we live our real lives. And today there is a call – to build and create your own secret room with the Lord and no longer betray it and keep the eternal flame there.

And we talked about the purity of faith – faith of a child, when we cleanse it of layers, of traditions, when we perceive God’s Word as bread, when we feed on it, when we believe like children, with pure and crystal faith, and, holding on to this simplicity, we do not deprive ourselves of depth and beauty. This is true sincerity. As the Lord said, “With a blameless man You will show Yourself blameless, with the pure You will show Yourself pure, and with the devious You will show Yourself shrewd.” When religious garbage, untruth and hypocrisy don’t prevent us from seeing the Lord. This makes us Pharisees, as the Lord said that “you teach people to live this way, but you yourself don’t live this way,” when you learn to play a role-playing game and live a life of pretending.

And these songs that the man of God sings are wonderful and glorious – these eight verses from this wonderful song. May the Lord strengthen us and make us steadfast even until the day of the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ!