I would like to share on the subject of freedom in which we must stand.
The philosophical definition of freedom is "there is no absolute freedom." But this is the definition of human philosophy. It is clear that death and disease "stand in the way" of each man’s freedom.
We spoke that there is this generation of women today. The Scripture says: “How do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband?” (1 Cor. 7:16) Take this Word, for it has been revealed so.
We spoke before that the Word should not be read, this is not reading matter. The Word is the One Who sits on the White Horse, the Word is the Crucified Christ at Golgotha, the Word is the Risen One Sitting on the Throne. He is the Word. You have to enter into the Word.
God says that prophetic churches will start up and begin to prophesy.
I remember how Viktor Belykh (prisoner for faith, minister of the persecuted church) told how the Lord revealed to him the year the war ended: the Lord wrote in the sky in numbers - 1945. No one could say it, except for some prophets. A simple man, he knew what politicians did not know.
The Lord teaches us to learn to buy things: "Go buy gold purified in the fire." Many times in the Scriptures the Lord says that He will not give freely, but He will sell. The best things don't come for free. Why are spiritual things, gifts not given? - Because there is no zeal for gifts. There are things that are only to be bought.
Everyone will be tested, and everyone's work will be tested. The Lord has chosen for Himself a special people, zealous for good deeds. And not the one that needs to be forced to love God.
There are three types of the Church.
A natural church, which has a life without persecution. It can’t be blamed, they simply live in prosperity, or have an even life, which can be found even with the believers in persecuted countries.
One of the Martial Arts of the Spirit – Rise in the Night
Scripture place: “And he rose that night…” (Gen.32:22)
We need to rise at night.