God says that prophetic churches will start up and begin to prophesy.
I remember how Viktor Belykh (prisoner for faith, minister of the persecuted church) told how the Lord revealed to him the year the war ended: the Lord wrote in the sky in numbers – 1945. No one could say it, except for some prophets. A simple man, he knew what politicians did not know.
That’s how God chooses His children who are pure in heart. That’s what we need today – intimacy with His heart. And this privilege is given to the firstborn who honor His honor and valor, the exalted position of our Lord, to those who trust Him and love Him with all their hearts – honestly – pure and glorious.
“Say, I am a sign to you; as I have done, so shall it be done to them; they shall be carried away into captivity.” (Ezekiel 12:11)
It’s about Ezekiel. The prophet becomes a parable. The prophetic church, the prophet-church becomes a parable. There are churches that become a parable.
God speaks to the prophet that He will take away the desire of his eyes, but that he should not weep. And then God says, “as I do to this prophet, so I will do to you.
There are churches today of the apostolic-prophetic pattern that become a sign. They move into place when they become a parable. The Lord is raising up such people today and such churches, such movements. They rise to such a high walk with God that one can read the Gospel by them, that looking at them one can read the encrypted writing of God’s thought and understand God’s will.
God will raise and is already raising up such people and such churches, looking at which one can say such a word: “Say to them – I am a sign for you.” God wants His gem stones, His coals to arise next to Him, so that God can demonstrate the Word on them not in human language, but in the language of life.
“… for the Lord Most High is terrible, He is the great King over all the earth; He will subdue the peoples under us, and the nations under our feet; He will choose our inheritance for us, the excellence of Jacob, whom He loves. God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises! For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with understanding. God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne. The princes of the people have gathered together, the people of the God of Abraham. For the shields of the earth belong to God; He is greatly exalted.” (Psalm 47:2-8)
This is a gem – God subdues the nations to the saints.
This is the teaching written in the psalm. You ask: how can this be? We need to come to this place. I believe the Scripture.
The Lord says that He has subdued peoples and tribes under our feet. I can ask for something, but it’s just a human thing. But rather I seek for Him to take me and put me on the wings. There’s no need to ask for many things. We need to trust. Why should I ask to be taken to a place if they already put me in a car and are taking me there? Why would I bother the driver? It’s stupid, there are things that are already happening. Understand this, and fifty percent of your prayers will be gone, they won’t be needed. You can either believe quietly, or you can cooperate.
Often, believers are like little plastic dolls who take plastic swords and go against Satan – to take the holy land. Of course, such an army will never succeed.
There must be something more. The Lord says here that He has subdued nations to us. Where do I have to be for this to “work” for me? Why am I reading this like a fairy tale? Why can’t I apply this to my faith? It rejects this word. Why can’t I get into it right now?
Where am I today if I can’t comprehend how it works? He said in the past tense as an axiom: He subdued peoples and tribes to us. Where? This is not about Israel. This is for me now at this moment of kairos, if I go into the dimension.
The Holy Scripture is a living book, this is meant for now, for me. I don’t have to research the context, take up the deductive method.
My Bible is written just for me! Right now He is telling me, not tomorrow and not in a year – if I am on the Vine. All the promises of God are yes and amen to me! This is my Bible. I don’t know about you. I’m talking about myself. I give my testimony. And testimony is higher than doctrine. Because that is what doctrine is: doctrine plus life experience equals testimony.
How can I take something today? He subdued peoples and tribes under my feet, He chose my inheritance, He loved me… I share with you the letter, that the Father wrote to me, the God of gods and the King of kings.
Everything has a reason, and so does spirituality. Once my son saw in a dream how we were standing together near a cave. And he saw that his dad inside the cave as well – only it was a dead body. And outside the cave – also dad, but alive. This is only the first key. Think and enter in.
God has subdued nations and tribes to me. He placed them under my feet. He chose me as His inheritance and loved me. This is the way you eat the Word, dear friend! I don’t know how you read the Bible.
Get to the place where a prophet will come to you, only for you. It’s in your hands. No need to envy anyone. No need to force anyone. Here is the Way – follow it. Hurry because otherwise you’ll be late.
This sermon is not about me. It is about God, and about Yours. Find the ropes that will draw God to you. This is not spoken aloud, this must be achieved with all your life, soul and strength. You’ve got to find the key yourself.