Singing prophets

Singing prophets

Singing prophets

I believe that the prophets sang their prophets. Sing, brothers and sisters. Sing more, sing much. Enter in the divine enravishment of singing. Sing!

Miriam sang her song, when they had victory she went out with dances and timbrels; she sang, she was a prophetess. David also sang, he was the sweet psalmist, singer of Israel. He left us his psalms, which are the Word of God, and he sang them. David was a prophet, because he gave the Word of God, in some places he prophesies about Christ, along with Isaiah. We don’t call David a prophet, but he is an absolute prophet, and he sang his psalms – in the night, at the going down of the sun – his day and night were full of worship. He didn’t live according to the schedule – think about this, you who are afraid of ill-sleeping, can’t wake up in the night. David wasn’t like this – David rose in the night and praised and worshiped, lifted up his hands to the sanctuary, sang at the dawn. A prophet can’t live without hearing God’s voice. And the Lord speaks in the night, because there is no night for Him.

Moses – there shall be the song of Moses in heaven, which is not in vain. So Moses sang! – think about that. I can prove it, that the prophets sang.

Hanna – we have her song. Hanna the prophetess prophesied and sang!

Deborah sang her song! Think of these women of God, how they sang, how they danced.

Apostle Paul sang. If it were not so, he wouldn’t write «speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord» etc. So Paul taught about this specifically, and it couldn’t be that he teaching others on this, he would say of himself «I have no music ear, this doesn’t refer to me». Paul sang a hundred percent.

Jesus sang! Jesus sang! It is written: «After they had sung a hymn, they went to the Mount of Olives.» (Mark 14:26) I don’t think Jesus was humming somewhere in the corner while the Apostles sang really loud. Jesus really sang!

Dry wood has to blossom! It is especially difficult in those churches where there’s no worship ministry. I understand there can be lack of musical instruments gifts, but sing – it doesn’t always require instrumental music. Let your soul blossom, have it soaked with the juice of the vine, so that it can’t live without singing. Have it soaked with the juice of God’s land, so that it gets nourished and gives her tears, so that it flows with juice and resin. Let your vines produce their songs.

Singing is going to be in heaven all over the place! Angels sing! I know people who were involved in Angelic sining, and I heard it myself not once. This is an incredible revelation, which beauty one can’t express.

The first Gospel that people heard was in singing – the heavens got open and the Angels sang the Good News to the shepherds. It would be interesting to hear the tune, whether it was rock, hard, jazz – perhaps each one could hear his own thing… So no matter what it may be – «a holy guitar or cursed drum» – I don’t think there are holy or dirty instruments.

Therefore, sing! Sing as if you were drinking wine. Extend your churches so that you sing much to the Lord. Bring much singing into your ministry! Because you dry out without singing.

It is important to sing the right songs, so that all people can sing and not just listen to the star. Lead your churches into singing by the spirit to take delight in it.