I want to say that a shift of clockhands is coming, and we have revelations about that.
One speaks: “Four horses were going forth. First one was red. There were many horses, but in one, neighing. And from them was great fear all over the earth. Then came the black horse and many other with him like an army. They made loud tramping and from that the whole earth was reeling like a drunkard, and all things go upside down, and nothing and no one can endure. So these horses are already here, they are everywhere, moving all over the planet.
Then came the pale horse and many with him. He was running so fast that all over the earth deeps, famines, earthquakes were opening. People can’t stand before these elements, there’s neither water nor food, nor electricity, communications are lost, and even all the animals rush at people.
And then comes the white horse with a horseman in purple clothes. In him are multitude of battle horses, and multitudes of brothers and sisters and forefathers from the Bible and from the cloud of witnesses, with whom we are connected. They all are coming to have the victory. From these horses and their tramping, wherever they go, life comes. This is like a river that flows from eternity, separating hell from eternal life.” –
There must be a distinct straight word, not indirect, not blurred. Man heard about God, but doesn’t realize he is going to hell if he doesn’t transit to God’s side – so we often preach. For some reason we are afraid to tell him he is going to hell if he doesn’t repent. And there is no distinct line between heaven and earth, between life and death between heaven and hell. Draw this line, speak the full gospel to people, don’t speak half. It’s like a denial, when you speak about God, not speaking of hell. Why don’t you tell him about repentance? Do not remove this word, but teach he should repent and receive God. Without repentance he can’t receive him by faith. First repent, then receive. After all it is He who is going to receive you.
-“Many people stood on both sides of the river. The same river connected heaven and earth, and in it all things became one as eternal life”.
Another piece of revelation:
“A huge clock, living like a heavenly being, on which was placed a 3D depiction of the earth, the sun, the planets, the stars and big galaxies. The clockhands were Angels that moved from their places. Some time passed, and all things on the clock changed its position. Light from the sun and the stars fell in a different way and at different objects. Also the darkness changed its time and place.” – This is very serious, and this is a portal, which we enter”.
“Brothers and sisters had rivers of living waters flowing from their wombs, joining in one big river, which watered the earth. Wherever this big river flowed life of the earth was renewed. The river changed its direction as it was always moving. There were those who wanted to stop this river, building different obstacles to it, but it gained even more strength and pushed out those obstacles. The strength and power was in brothers and sisters having strong ties, that every joint supplies”. It is so crucial for us to move in one thing.
I also want to share a word about holiness. As never before this is an unpopular sermon. If you take what the stars speak today you will see a change of theology about holiness. Success is an unpronounced sign that God is with you. If God is with you it implies that He is pleased with you, that He blesses you. But literally the subject of holiness is not what you often hear them speak.
You know, it is written that no one shall see God without holiness. It is one of the fundamental signs that we are joined with Christ. And Paul greeted churches as saints in Christ Jesus. But can you say of yourself that you are holy, or some brother is holy? This is serious. And this deficit will increase more and more.
Holiness of God. What is holiness? This is a condition for salvation. It’s a gift of God that comes on a man witnessing that he is walking the right way. This is our way, the way of sanctification.
“Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:13-16)
This is the Word. And I shoot this spear today, in this year – dear brothers and sisters, Be holy! Be holy! Be holy! Because a Christian cannot but be holy. An unholy man is not a Christian. A Christian is holy. Holy not by theory, because he is “holy by faith”, but by practice he is wicked – what kind of heresy is that? This discrepancy when you are holy theoretically, but not practically is false doctrine. And righteousness comes from you being in the right things in Christ.
Christ was holy, Apostles were holy, first Church was holy. And today our churches must be tested with this sign – how holy they are. Today many leaders live in impurity. Stars are falling. This is not what I like doing – getting in people’s laundry. But today we see things happening with those, by whom everyone was guided – investigations of heavy falls are going on. And this shall be, because in Christ there shouldn’t be stars. Even when Paul was raised high, he struggled to remain a brother.
“ Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled; lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright” (Hebr.12:14-16)
Do you know that wicked people are afraid of the saints? Saints bring fear and dread with them!
“ Now King Herod heard of Him, for His name had become well known. And he said, “John the Baptist is risen from the dead, and therefore these powers are at work in him. Others said, “It is Elijah.” And others said, “It is the Prophet, or like one of the prophets.”But when Herod heard, he said, “This is John, whom I beheaded; he has been raised from the dead!” for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just and holy man, and he protected him. And when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.” (Mark 6:14) – Herod feared John. Holy people are feared by wicked ones, because they bring mystical fear. Because they are the judges, who will judge the wicked. They look at the man and see he is a future judge who will sentence him to death.
Why are many old sins are being exposed, which happened decades ago? This wasn’t before. This is not because information has multiplied. Here are things both of God and of the devil, and we must consider those of God.
Why is a man exposed after many years? I believe this is because the man continues to sin. When a man repents, the Lord forgives and doesn’t impute it, because the man chooses the path of righteousness. But if the man keeps resisting the Lord exposes him; he keeps gaining a full measure of the cup of his sins and it spills out. Because he didn’t repent, he lives with an non-repentant heart, didn’t get cleansed. Time can’t heal the sin, the sin can be removed only by the blood of Christ. The man doesn’t change, he doesn’t demonstrate that he has changed the way, keeps remaining in this and is moving towards his end.
Some people perceive that if God is silent He then agrees with that. This is not true. – “These things you have done, and I kept silent; You thought that I was altogether like you; But I will rebuke you, And set them in order before your eyes”. (Ps.50:21) – This I read to you from the Bible.
Also in order to save the man if he is still called, God punishes him in earth, in order not to judge him with the world. He better be disgraced and lose all his possessions and ministry, but he makes it lame and crawling into salvation. This is better than he be taken in golden carriages unto hell. This is why God exposes things after many years and judges. This is a matter of time. If we are in sin we deceive ourselves. Take this really seriously. Remaining in sin is a cycle – once a week, once a month – this is abiding in sin. Do not speak lies against God, that it is impossible to set free from sin. Don’t lie against truth, because God never gives beyond your strength.
He commands us to be holy. If we are not holy, we have turned away from the grace. You must stand in Christ and start living according to the commandments, start filling with the Holy Spirit and serving the Lord in righteousness of your heart, and you will see how easy it is to overcome sin. Fill your life with serving the Lord, not abiding in the world. Otherwise the Lord would speak lie, that it is impossible to live a holy life on earth. He commands what He provides His help in. I don’t think Paul had hidden sins and was a liar, or other Apostles or our fathers prisoners who lived a holy life and went into heaven shining.
I am not talking about lusts of the flesh, but this is also laziness, gossip, evil report, complaint, gluttony. These are the same kind of heavy sins, they harm both us and our neighbor and the Holy Spirit.
People say they don’t believe in God, and others applaud, though this is total shame. You can’t believe such man at all, because he doesn’t believe in God and is a most wicked man as he denies the existence of the Creator. He betrayed God – He will betray you, it’s only a matter of time. It can’t be that a man doesn’t believe in God – he denies him, because God has demonstrated to him that He is.
A great battle is going on. The Lord says: “You have a name that you are alive, but you are dead” (Rev.3:1) And today there are dead people in churches who are involved in self-deception, false doctrine. They don’t give straight permission to sin, but that the Lord covers everything. You just enter into worship – if you experience God’s presence it means God is with you, not touching the sins of a man. But the man is up to his ears in sin, abides in lusts, in pornography. But he receives a word at the meeting that he is all right, because he has goose bumps during worship. What is this? Sensuality. And of course, this is softly saying not truth.
Holiness is a condition, at which we’ll get saved. God’s holiness is the nature of the true and faithful Church. Impure church cannot claim she is the Bride. How can an adulterous woman be the bride for the King? What kind of king will take an adulteress for his wife? – None.
You may say, the Bride is pure, I am not such… – wait, you are a part, and you can be a cancer spot on the Body. If you don’t care for yourself – you can’t treat the Church like that, you have no right for that, other people can’t be poisoned through you. This is another thing that we take up – responsibility for the holiness of your congregation. You are accountable not only for yourself, but for the church, the brethren, for the Body of Christ. Understand that you have no right to sin, because you poison this Body.
These things I have received in my spirit. And the Lord is on the move to shift the clockhands, so that a new era begins for us. You are aware that many of you have gotten weak – do you want to make it this way to the Eternal Day, when the Lord comes for you? I can see it in your eyes that you know you are not pleasing to the Lord, but you keep playing a hero, as if you were such a “good boy”.
If we don’t obey this, God will have to do something with our lives. He will start shifting circumstances in order to save us. But why should you take it to that point? Today is the day of salvation. Now is the moment when we can change everything ourselves, voluntarily, by the prompting of love.
God is Holy. He is surrounded by worship “Holy, Holy, Holy”. And what is holiness? First thing it includes is purity. “Keep yourself pure” – says God’s Word. Holiness begins with purity. How can an impure man be holy? – Oh, by faith? What do you mean? If your faith doesn’t bring you to purity, how can you be pure by faith if you are impure? – This kind of false doctrine you can see yourselves today.
Of course, cleansing happens by the Blood and the Word, through repentance.
Also truth. Life in lies can’t be a life of a saint. Righteousness – when truth is established. Redemption, when forgiveness and cleansing come. Godliness – when your holiness brings fruit, you serve the Lord and not just come to church. If you simply come to church your godliness is an empty thing.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit is holiness. You can’t be holy without the Holy Spirit! When did you get filled with the Spirit last time being alone with Him?
And God will receive only Holy people into His Kingdom. Saints only will enter the Kingdom! Without holiness no one shall see God. And today God commands to all to have holiness – holiness of the saints!
“For this is the will of God, your sanctification, that you should abstain from fornication” (1Thess. 4:3). And fornication includes not only what concerns another person, but all sins of lust both inside and outside. Pornography is fornication, every time it is a straight betrayal of your spouse. How can it be possible? You return to your wife after porno and then you wonder why you hate her and have fights with her? You are a fornicator. And most horrible is that people live with this for years, pray, preach, go to church and sing Hallelujah. And today most of people have and instant access to this. Understand that by doing this you betray your family, wife and children, you deny them, you bring curse into their lives and then you go to church. Today we are getting sober.
This is the Gospel, these are unpleasant chapters about Jesus, where He is suffering carrying His cross. Let us accept the full Gospel.
“that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God… Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ”. (1Thess 4:4; 5:23)
Therefore, we need to accept God’s holiness. This is the sacrifice of Christ, one single offering, through faith; sanctification through the blood and the Spirit, His Word. Not of the works, but through faith receive His holiness.
Second – keep what you received, again through faith, obedience, keeping the commandments. And not only keep, but fight and multiply it and impart it to others, like I am doing now. If I were in some impurity, I would not preach this topic, but choose something sweet. Because for many it is not nice to hear this, perhaps some even think differently. But those who are holy do not fight agains holiness, they love it.
Impartation of holiness – lay pure hands on others, not dirty.
The means of grace are sufficient – Word, Blood, Spirit, Body. When we are in the Body the Blood flows and purifies, we feel strength and rise. Abide in gatherings of the saints! Run to church, and you will have your wings, but all by yourself you fall. You face the devil alone and get beaten again. You know it that when you avoid church and meetings you get worse, if you have the Holy Spirit. Therefore, know, believe and do things.
Hear what Christ Himself says:
To those who are not in the light
“‘These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God. Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. – Listen to this – you will not expect Him to come! –
You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.” (Revelation 3:1-5)
“For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world.” (1Cor.11:31-32)
Judge ourselves is one of the best judgments. There are four types of judgments. First is God’s judgment, when He will “render to each one according to his deeds”.
Second is when God executes His punishment, but unto forgiveness. You punish your child for the sake of goodness.
Third is discipline by church – do not ignore this. When the church executes discipline, priests manifest strictness, this is good.
Fourth is to judge yourself, it is the sweetest and easiest judgment. When we judge ourselves through repentance, confession, leaving the wrong thing – it is unpleasant, but easiest of all four.
It is better if we undergo judgment here, because of love, than get caught in eternity, where retribution will come.
To those who are in the light
“Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” (Rev. 3:10)
The saints always keep, no matter what dirt is around them saints will not fall. It doesn’t mean He will take you earlier, but it means that even in the hour of trial you will remain holy, because My grace will not step away from you.
“Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have” – this is the word for those in white clothes, do not look at those around, don’t accept bad examples, don’t get relaxed.
“]Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more… He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.” – He will make you a pillar, put a load on you, so that you be an example for others to follow.
Who is not a holy one:
A church comer is not holy, a religious one is not holy, a good one is not holy, a kind one is not holy, a merciful one is not holy, an active one is not holy, a sociable one is not holy, creative one is not holy – these things are not enough. This is not about it!
New man is a holy man! Do not confuse things. The One who is in us has to possess us, our inner man, in order to push out all other things that was of the sin of the flesh. Give place to the new man! Adam lost the spirit of eternal life – redemption in Christ returns it today.
A holy man is a reunited man, who is rejoined with the Spirit of our God. Life filled with the Spirit, mind filled with the Word, pure eyes, pure tong, pure hands, pure heart. Life subjected to God, led by the Holy Spirit and the Word; through revealed Word, guidance, delight in divine blessing; being filled with the Holy Spirit in our ministry to the Lord.
Therefore, give place to the new man! This is the new season we are entering in, and the clockhand shifts another measure. How does it go further on – there will be a different speed. This year we will have funerals, we will receive childbirth, we will baptize, and people will fall away. This is true, this will all happen. And this is life where summer, fall, winter, spring do not cease. These are cycles of our life.
But we keep flying up to the Throne of grace, brothers and sisters. Do not exchange this life, as it is written “for one morsel of food sold his birthright”. Do not get bitter. Your little truth against someone is nothing, and even Angels turn away not to hear this. Lift up your eye at Christ – is He this way, like you? So let us become like Him and give place to the new man in our heart.