Voice from the Eastern Gate

Voice from the Eastern Gate

Atomos in the apocalypse


There’s a great delusion that ancient people weren’t that clever, just because today we know more information. For example, ants in an anthill built a new tunnel, which turned out faster than the ones made before, but they didn’t cease…

God has questions?

God has questions?

I would like to share on the topic “Questions of God”. He asks questions not because He doesn’t know the answer, He has a different goal – He wants us to hear ourselves when we answer these questions. Of course,…

Gold in time of plague

Gold in time of plague

It is written: “Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and those who dwell in them!” And right next: “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea!” (Revelation 12:12). Do you think those who dwell in heaven don’t see what is…

Mantle of defender

Mantle of defender

Freedom from slavery The Lord says, “I will make each of My mountains a road, and My highways shall be elevated” (Isaiah 49:11). Look at your mountains. Mountains are the highest dreams of the human spirit. What did you dream…

Throne with wheels

Throne with wheels

There came many revelations. I will speak briefly about them. The Lord is now doing operations on the hearts. I know that some people like the straight Word, while others are “split”, “thrown” into resentment and indignation. I want to…