Voice from the Eastern Gate

Voice from the Eastern Gate

From warfare to peace

From warfare to peace

From protestant to peace maker Revelation “Two doors were shown. One was in heaven, another on earth, both had strong attraction of people’s hearts. The door in heaven was like a strong radiant light and attracted hearts with bliss that…

Where does first love live?

Where does first love live?

The Lord never says everything to everyone. Jesus did so when He explained everything to His disciples when they were alone and spoke to the others in parables. Even from His disciples He took apart Peter, Jacob and John when…

“Holy” or “New” ?

"Holy" or "New" ?

I want to say that a shift of clockhands is coming, and we have revelations about that. One speaks: “Four horses were going forth. First one was red. There were many horses, but in one, neighing. And from them was…

Collection of revelations


Having joy in our life means having obedience and faith. Joy can be as inherent presence of God, as His quality, because our God is joyful. And also joy can be a reward for the obedience and faithfulness, when God…

Collection of the word

Collection of the word

Individual or Mass The Lord reveals in the Eastern Gates that we should gather what is already there before us. Don’t neglect small things. Collect this little that lies before you. And you will come to greater blessing. Just as…

Connected generations

Connected generations

I’ll share a few revelations, before we get to the Word. “ I see a bride covered with a mantle from heaven. She was very mysterious, beautiful. Her beauty radiated through the covering of the mantle. But they constantly tried…

Our warfare

Our warfare

A very important time is happening now that we find ourselves in. Knowing the proper time and appropriate procedure is no longer vanity of vanities. When we don’t know the proper time and appropriate procedure, we live in vanity of…