Mystery and glory of a gracious man

Mystery and glory of a gracious man

There are types of prophets – who experience with their heads, but do not suffer much; but there are those who have strong experiences of suffering, they seem to have the heart of the Lord, like the wife of Pilate – she suffered a lot for Christ.

One brother in a revelation experienced tears and pain, which were later replaced by the joy of heaven. God took his emotions and carried him away. I remember how this brother experienced revelations – he was literally shaking from what he saw. This is a very powerful gift, and it is given to strong people. And some kind of cycle occurs when you have to bring it to the end – you can quickly move away from the experience, forget it. But a prophet goes to the end, he completes the cycle of revelation. He kind of dies to the end, he brings it to the end until God releases him. During this time, some kind of redemptive work is being done with those areas for which he suffers.


“It was shown that people fell asleep in real places on earth. I could see them. Could even recognize some of them. Once they all served very powerfully, were a blessing to the church in this world. They were prophets, missionaries, various glorious ministers. I understood that they had not yet completed their calling. Those unfinished causes and callings were like persons who walked around the sleeping ones with a very dull look, trying to wake them up.

This caused great sorrow in my heart. I think that it was given to me to feel some small part of this sorrow, which I saw  later on the face of the man of God when he served us.

The man of God was shown moving from place to place as if there were no distance and no time. He sees these sleeping people. Others don’t see them sleeping, who live the same way as other people.

The man of God, as he found a sleeping one, performed various actions with him. First, he hugged him and held him in his arms for a long time. Then he gave bread to some to eat, water to drink to others, to some he gave both bread and water. For those who couldn’t take food, the man of God poured water from his jug on them and put a juicy piece of bread in their mouths. There were those whom the man of God wiped with cloth richly dipped in Blood. Especially their eyes, ears, fingers and toes.

At this time, the heart was filled very strongly with an experience of importance and love.

After that, many of the sleeping ones awakened and were transformed. Many, but not all. Their eyes opened, they straightened up, their clothes brightened up, various working or military tools appeared in their hands.

Those personalities who walked around them sadly (i.e. their callings) connected with them, as if poured into them.

And such joy filled all around. A great joy, as if the heavens came down.

I saw that the man of God went on his way, finding those who were asleep and trying to wake them up. He seemed to know them very well. I thought so.

There were those over whom the man of God wept. Along with him mourned those persons who couldn’t pour into them.

Then the man of God took those personalities, callings from sleeping people who didn’t accept, and carried the callings to others who were gladly ready to accept them, leaving those who did not want to wake up.”

I think it’s clear what’s going on. There are those who are asleep and those who are not, and those who think that no one sees that they are asleep. But the revelation shows that this man is asleep. And the calling that a person has  is like a person – it is discouraged, because it is not taken up. It wants to join  with the man, but lives separately. Then the man of God takes away these callings from those whom he washed with the Blood, but they wouldn’t – he transferred them to other places and distributed these callings to other people who gladly received them.

“Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints who are in Ephesus and faithful in Christ Jesus: grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 1:1-2).

What does Paul impart? It’s not just a figure of speech. He imparts grace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

What is grace? We all understand grace in different ways.

 There is a misconception that a man of God is a weak man. But I don’t believe that a man of God should humiliate himself, and that the Gospel humiliates – on the contrary, it lifts man up.

Wesley taught to preach in such a way that one should understand the balance of grace and law. The law brings you to the realization that you are going to hell. That is, the law brings sentence. And there must be law in preaching. But grace says that there is One who went instead of you. It does not reject the law of the heavenly world. But it speaks that Someone Else paid. Not that everything is now free, but that Someone has paid for you. This is grace.

There must be balance in preaching. Not only that the Lord loves you, neither that you will go to hell. That’s not the motivation. These two wings of the bird for balance are grace and law.

Paul the Apostle proclaims the grace and peace of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul comes and gives grace. In fellowship with him you were supposed to experience this grace.

Our ministers and shepherds should carry grace. They can’t just bring a list of sermons or carry out the assignments they were entrusted with when they were sent, they must bring grace. And people must experience this grace.

A man of God is a carrier of grace. This is what one has to learn. But this is not a technique. One has to be immersed in it. One has to live and dwell in.

Paul goes on to say: “… having predestined us to adoption us as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which he made us accepted in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:5-7)

What words! There is glory in grace. Apostle Paul served to praise the glory of grace. His ministry exalted the glory of grace.

God is rich in grace. Consider our grace. Sometimes it  is poor. We are so miserly! Even when we bless – how do we do it? We must be rich in blessing.

Before you act like this, you need to be sure that you have something to give people. There must be something behind the words. Bless in the Name of the Lord. May He bless!

When you give when you are obliged to – you are like a mercenary. But when you give where you don’t have to, that’s grace.

This is the concept of a grace-filled person – the one who gives grace, and not only bathes in it. We need to learn the generosity of the Spirit. Just give. Perhaps, they even deceive you, still give to the unworthy. You won’t get poor because of that.

There are brothers and sisters who always do it with an “overweight”, with a surplus, with an “extra”. They have such a spirit. They will give the measure “pressed down and shaken together.” This is how we should give! This is life in abundance! Let’s take for ourselves – if you do something, then do more than it should be. We do this to the Lord.

In Jesus came grace upon grace. We must give this spirit in abundance.

Let’s look at God. We are saved by grace. Look at what Paul says – all about grace: “… having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace, which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mistery of His will, according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Himself” (Ephesians 1:5-9) .

How can He love us – if not through each other?! Therefore, this prophetic role and purpose must be released as we allow God to love us through one another, showing the coming ages the wealth of grace. There is deep meaning here.

“For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles. If indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you” (Ephesians 3:1-2).

There is grace as a juridical concept – that you were forgiven. But there is a substance: “grace was with Him” ​​or “grace, grace upon Him.” There is presence of grace with a man – when it comes with him, and even in him. A gracious person is a giver of grace. Let there be riches of grace in our churches.

Learn to speak under the anointing – so that under the preacher’s tongue there is honey and milk. Sometimes a person speaks without understanding in the Spirit. But another catches the “wave of the Spirit” and speaks under the anointing. Grace is like a substance.

There is no need to rush to talk about God to a person you meet. You have to feel the anointing. Give place to grace. Let it go ahead of us. This is a chance for us to be pleasant to other people.

Gift of grace. In addition to grace, we can still receive a gift of grace. Everything costs. It is the same in the spiritual world. Jesus paid. There is grace in this. Start appreciating it.

“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” What is it to receive grace? It means to pay the price. We can find grace for a minimal price, much cheaper than it actually costs.

The gift of grace is something special: for example, you have great peace. It’s not a gift of the Holy Spirit. Or the gift of patience – these are incredibly strong people. Or the gift of love. This is a gift of grace. We must be specialists in grace. Our church must move by grace.

Awakening without grace is impossible.

Growing in grace. Who is this man? He’s grown up – comprehended the ways of the Lord. He understands that everything that is in his life is by the grace of God, with the knowledge and order of God. He understands that in everything that happens to him he is hidden in God.

You are moving, living in grace. You have grown. You know how it lives, how it works. You put it above everything.

Grace has to be in truth. It stays within the boundaries of truth. It is great in righteousness.

Manifesting it, being rich in grace is above all. You are inviolable, you are immortal, because you are rich in grace. Who can hurt you? Who will cause the damage? You show grace. We always leave people grace for repentance. Be enriched and show grace!