Losses in the life of the faithful

Losses in the life of the faithful

A revelation has come.

“I see the Eastern Gates in a very strong movement, because they are undergoing a very global reconstruction and repairs, construction, just everything is new.

Brothers and sisters – new, transformed, glorious, they can only be recognized by the spirit. Everyone is doing their own thing.

I see those praising, singing, they are with the Angels. A very deep and beautiful song sounds right in them: you can even see how the song enters into people.

Everyone is very inspired – they are building roads, houses, infrastructure – a new city.

And all this is unusual, because all things are different, not repeating one other.

Brothers and sisters are all covered by the Angels, they are right inside of them, and the song that sounds gives direction and life to all.

All the animals, beasts and birds are in Divine unity. It’s just incredible! I have never seen anything like it. It is more like preparation of His Kingdom. As it is written, “The Author and Builder of the city is God.”

This is such a wonderful and wondrous revelation. I fully identify and agree with it. All is full of Angels even inside, and even with the creation – in Divine unity with animals and birds. We speak about this, that we need to be in harmony with our cities, with the peoples which we live in, so that we would not be foreigners, because Christ came as One of them, as a Friend of tax collectors and sinners, and He was accepted. The most unaccepting world was the religious world. All other social strata accepted Him. But it was precisely the religious world that crucified Him by the hands of the Romans.

Another revelation.

“A large plow was shown with a very sharp and polished plowshare, which went to plow the land of Europe. There was no one in sight who would push this plow forward, who would lead and direct it. It was evident that the plow plowed tirelessly, and no one and nothing could stop it.

The plow worked through all the lands of Europe – both Western and Eastern. And where this plow worked, the land was plowed with everything that was on it – office buildings, apartment buildings, factories, various machines equipment. Houses of Prayer also fell under work. Nothing could resist the plow, its sharp as a sword, plowshare. Everything that was in the way of the plow was plowed up.

Also, people who looked like growing plants in the ground fell under the plowing. These were different plants – including weeds and thorns. They were also all plowed.

Also, growing ears of wheat and its small seedlings fell under plowing – everything was plowed up.

It was shown that various people tried to hide from this plow and from its merciless work. But no matter how hard they tried, everyone who fell under the plow was plowed.

Then it was shown that some wheat plants and also its small seedlings, which were plowed up and found themselves under the ground, began to break their new shoots to the surface, and sprouted with new, fresh greenery.

These were wheat plants that had roots in the ground.

Wheat, which had even small roots in the ground, sprouted again and appeared on the ground. Wheat, which had no roots underground, was all plowed underground, and no longer gave new shoots.

Then a large altar burning with fire was shown, standing on the land of Europe. The man of God had seeds, which he sowed. These were gold, silver, bronze seeds. He was told to throw the seeds into the fire of this altar.

When he threw his seeds, they could not burn in the fire, but were melted. The seeds came out of the fire of the altar purified and melted down, so that they began to shine with brilliance.

It was also told to our ministers in Europe to do what the man of God did, to throw their seeds into the fire of the altar. Their seeds also went through the fire. Some of the seeds burned in the fire. And those that were of gold, silver, and bronze were purified.

There was also a call to other ministers of the Body in Europe to bring their seeds through the fire of the altar. It was also the case with their seeds that some of the seeds were burned in the fire. And those that were of these three metals were purified.

Then it was shown that  Lord Jesus gave fresh prepared seeds to those ministers who put their seeds through the fire of the altar, they prepared these new seeds for sowing along with the seeds that had passed through the fire and through the plowed land of Europe of this end time.

A very deep and powerful revelation.

Yes, the Lord gives us new seeds to sow. And those seeds that were from eternity, they will be melted down and will shine. We must test our doctrines and our sermons. That which will burn in the fire, let it burn. And only the eternal, heavenly shall endure and be melted down.

But the Lord is giving new seeds, new themes of the Kingdom, which we must study because these new seeds will be the answer to the challenges of these days, which only the new seeds that Jesus Christ gives today can answer.

The theme of Loss.

We all know what loss is. All people lose something in their life. There is loss of health, loss of strength. Sometimes there is loss of friends, jobs, financial disasters. Loss of our dear ones. We all go through loss. It is our life. And we need to take it right.

There are several types of losses.

There are losses that need to be let go. Some can’t let things go – they carry pain, disappointment, resentment – against themselves, against their neighbor, and even God. But there are losses that you just need to let go.

When David had sinned with Bathsheba, she became pregnant and gave birth. And this baby got sick. David fasted, lay on the ground, prayed for the mercy of the Lord. But the baby died. The servants were afraid to tell David about it. But David understood everything, he ordered the table to be set for him and began to eat. Friends and servants were surprised: how is that – when the baby was still alive, David did not eat, but when he died – David suddenly asked for food. But David said that now he would go to him. There are things that you can’t change.

This ability to let go of loss must be in God’s people. It is something that we can no longer change and that has already been done. Eternity has already dealt with this. And I urge you: if we have losses that we are not able to change and return, we should let them go.

You have to be very careful. There are certain things you don’t hold to. It is the fear of death, greed. They want to take over us – we must learn to let them go. Strong people who trust God know how to let them go.

The second type of loss is a loss that one must wait to return. Those losses will return to us. This also needs to be understood: there are things that leave us, but then they will return to us. But you need to have patience so as not to break this path in the course.

Remember when Mark fell away one day during the missionary journey of Apostle Paul. Paul was disappointed and gave the young man time to recover. The time came when Mark rose back. Paul calls him into his office. And we see it when Mark becomes God’s servant in the Apostolic team of Apostle Paul. Paul waited for his return.

Not all things will leave us forever. Some things will come back to us. And also people. We notice that some people were tested, years passed, they lived at a distance, went through their own vicissitudes of life and are now returning – to us, to their congregations, to Christ. It is important to know and trust God for the losses, the return of which we have to wait.

Another type of loss is those that need to be replaced. This is solid food.

Abraham loved Sarah very much. It was his beloved one and his sister through one of the parents. At that time, the law permitted such marriages. Sarah gave birth to Isaac, the only heir who was promised by God to be given to Abraham and entrusted with the entire inheritance, including spiritual wealth. It all transferred from Abraham – to Isaac. But one day Sarah passed to eternity. And Abraham made a great lamentation for his beloved, because he sincerely loved her. Sarah left, but Abraham did not, he remained to live on this earth. And it is written that Abraham took another wife, Keturah, and begot more sons and daughters. Abraham was full of life, full of power, and he continued to live.

Losses happen in our lives. But If we still live on this earth, if the Lord has not ended our life, then He still has a plan for us. This plan is not for us to be miserable, suffer pains about the past – this is a plan for us to have a future and hope.

This may be an unpleasant example, but this is life. So it was with Abraham, the father of faith. He took Keturah and begat sons and daughters. This did not prevent Isaac from being the main heir to his kingdom, but Abraham continued to live his saturated life full of strength and joy.

There are still losses that need to be accepted as a blessing. They take us to the next level.

Paul lost his health partly. In one season, he realized that he had a health problem. He discovered that he had a serious problem that greatly depressed him. What kind of disease it is – we don’t know for sure, we can only guess. But Paul called it “a thorn in the flesh,” “a messenger of Satan,” who acted in such a way that Paul became distressed. Apostle Paul was a patient man, he knew what patience was, but the messenger of Satan was so strong that the Apostle went through a period of depression.

He asked the Lord three times to remove this problem from him, it was serious and troubled Paul. But the Lord said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Paul accepted this thorn in the flesh as a transition to a new level. He understood how he could be of good courage in weakness, and how God’s strength was perfected in this.

David experienced this when he lost Samuel. Samuel was one of David’s fathers, whom he could turn to during a very difficult period in his life. He could always come to this man who anointed him in secret to be king, and Samuel’s prophecies over David all came true. He found his consolation with Samuel in the most difficult periods. This doesn’t mean he stayed with Samuel all the time, he didn’t come often, but in the most difficult situations in his life.

When Samuel died, David became stronger, he himself became a prophet, he himself received the Word from the Lord. David himself is a prophet in Israel because he had ascended.

Therefore, some losses make us more mature, stronger people. Treat it not as a threat to your life, but as a transition to a new level. Paul moved to a new level with a thorn in the flesh. David transited after the death of Samuel. Because they correctly responded to those losses in their lives.

Another type of loss is following the path of Christ. God sometimes tests us and leads us in the ways of the suffering Christ. He conforms us to the Sacrificial Lamb.

For example, one of the losses was the loss of Judas Iscariot. He was an Apostle. Jesus didn’t choose random people. He really chose Judas as a person who could carry out the Apostolic work. And he carried it. But one day something happened to Judas’ heart, and he began to follow a crooked path, began to live a double life and betrayed Christ. A little at first, then he couldn’t stop. It was a betrayal of a co-worker. Judas betrayed the Son of Man.

Sometimes we can’t understand the nature of certain losses. They are “painful”, unjustified. This is following the path of Christ. And betrayal can lead you to repeat the path of Christ. Rejection by people, forced loneliness. And this is what God can do to make us like Himself. Therefore, there is a kind of royal loss, high, dear, when we repeat the path of our Savior Jesus Christ.

The last type of loss is a loss that needs to be returned because something has been stolen from us – taken unfairly, illegally, we need to fight to take it back. These losses are designated as our “Ziklags”. The enemy will attack God’s people, especially when they are waging the Lord’s wars. David came to Ziklag – and the city was burned with fire, and the wives, sons and daughters were taken captive.

“Now it happened, when David and his men came to Ziklag, on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the South and Ziklag, attacked Ziklag and burned it with fire, and had taken captive the women and those who were there, from small to great, they didn’t kill anyone, but carried them away and went their way. So David and his men came to the city, and there it was burned with fire, and their wives, their sons and their daughters had been taken captive. Then David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept until they had no more power to weep” (1 Samuel 30:1-4).

Imagine the suffering that David’s people had in their hearts. The people cried, they accused David of wrong leadership.

“And David’s two wives were also taken captive: Ahinoam the Jezreelitess and Abigail, the widow of Nabal the Carmelite, had been taken captive. Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of  stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved in soul, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.

Then David said to Abiathar the priest, the son of Ahimelech, “Bring the ephod here to me.” And Abiathar brought the ephod to David. So David inquired of the Lord, saying: “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And he answered him: “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all” (1 Samuel 30:5-8).

Today the Lord is speaking to some of us who have suffered some kind of loss – something you have lost or your dear ones have gone into the world – so that we receive the discernment of such losses that must not be given to the enemy, but must be taken away.

I call this spirit of discernment today, that we may discern among the losses the loss of Ziklag.

“Then David attacked them from twilight until the evening of the next day. Not a man of them escaped, except four hundred young men who rode on camels and fled. So David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away, and David rescued his two wives. And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything, which they had taken from them; David recovered all. Then David took all the flocks and herds they had driven before those other livestock, and said, “This is David’s spoil.” (1 Sam. 30: 17-20)

David divided everything equally – distributed the spoil among all men.

“ Now when David came to Ziklag, he sent some of the spoil to the elders of Judah, to his friends, saying: “Here is a present for you from the spoil of the enemies of the Lord” – to those who were in Bethel, those who were in Ramoth of the South, those who were in Jattir, those who were in Aroer, those who were in Shithmoth, those who were in Eshtemoa, those who were in Rachal, those who were in the cities of Jerahmeelites, those who were in the cities of Kenites… those who were in Hebron, and to all the places where David himself and his men were accustomed to rove” (1 Samuel 30:26-29, 31).

David showed the kingly spirit. In war it is all revealed – who is who.

May God bless us to reclaim all the accomplishments of Christ for the Body. The principles of heaven are at work everywhere. May the Lord grant us to restore the glory of God, the glory of the nations. May the Lord give gifts to those near and far. When we take, God will bless, and we will share the gifts that the Lord sends to us.

We, too, are like Ziklags. We were gone for some time, but the Lord took and returned the prey, and today we are with Him, we listen to His Word and rejoice.