Crossing the boundaries

Crossing the boundaries

Through encounters and visitations


“It was shown how three Angels brought different food to the man of God, and he ate it from their hands. First Angel was like a young man with fair hair, clothed in white robe embroidered with gold. He had white mantle on his shoulders, bright light emanated from him, which was like the sun light. He brought food from the Kingdom of unapproachable light, which people on earth cannot eat lest they should die. Having had this food the man of God was able to speak the heavenly language, which refracted through his mouth was understood by those listening to him, and the hearts were drawn by the Kingdom of unapproachable light. Mysteries of this Kingdom were revealed through his mouth.

Second Angel had a human face, but his hair was like many singing birds. His robe was made as if of many animals and mammals that gave sounds with their voices. He had a mantle of many plants and blooming flowers of various colors that moved at the blowing wind. He brought food from the store places of the earth and its treasuries. Having had this food the man of God was able to speak the language of all creation, wisdom hidden from the people of the earth came from his mouth.

Third Angel was like metal of black-blue color, covered with foot-long mantle made of the same metal mesh. A halo of dim blue light came from him. He gave the man of God food from the underworld, which was taken only by people who were there. The food was very bitter, but refracted through the mouth of the man of God it became sweet as honey to those who listened.”

This is solid food. I believe that there’s light in every man, be he knee high in darkness or hip high or neck high – there’s a flickering light in him. When you find this light and begin to interact with this light in another man – then you begin to receive rehma, the Word of God. You begin to drink and get reinforced and you reinforce, and a great harmony happens. I think that one of the thing that will be in heaven is merging with one another. As one of the mystics said, all of the universe is about me, all of the universe is inside me. And all of creation is one, even cosmos and stars, huge planets and small grass and a grass hopper. This is all one and from One Pastor, and He gives eternal Spirit unto redemption of all things. And Christ on the cross is not any addition, He is in the center, because the creation also needs redemption.

We normally speak of redemption of a certain layer of people who received Christ and call themselves Christians – no, He reconciled with Himself all things in heaven and on earth. Do you know how creation will be redeemed – when the lion shall eat grass, and a child shall stretch his hand at a serpent, and it won’t bite him, and beasts won’t eat one another – that’s a redeemed creation. It is written of the millennium that all of creation shall be transformed. Why does creation expect the revelation of the sons of God? Because it wants to get saved. The tiger doesn’t want to be mean – he attacks, he struggles, but can’t eat grass, he wants blood because Adam sinned.


I want to share a short message. There are two things that we can experience in life. On the one hand it’s cyclicality, and some people like cyclicality because it provides predictability of the course of life. On the other hand, you have this hunger this longing for renewal. I think man has this great demand to renew, because God made things so that He creates all things new. Even trees cast their leaves, bugs hibernate… And man has this need in renewal in breakthrough.

Some people don’t like breakthrough, because they had them wrong way and they brought sufferings, those breakthroughs weren’t for our good. Or perhaps we didn’t make it to the end after having experienced pain, like that man who didn’t strike the arrows enough.

But breakthroughs that the Lord wants to give to us are meant for us to cross cyclicality, in order to release from the closed circles. And this is possible. Some of us have very uninteresting lives – even if you spend years studying, you find that there’s actually nothing behind the line except for things that everyone has. These are not the breakthroughs we need.

Let us look at an example of our big brother Jacob.

“So the present (the gifts) went on over before him, but he himself lodged that night in the camp”. (Gen.32:21) You know, you have to release your major gift. And the gift attracts gifts. Look, how many gifts we have even here, in the Eastern Gates, because they are activated, they are attracted, and gift attracts gifts. And so the gifts went before him, Jacob himself being the major gift. All the gifts and people who went before were like radiance that comes before the source itself, the greatest blessing among the caravan.

Become the gift of God, find your major gift and unveil it, shine with it. And you will see how other gifts will come and reinforce you. This is amazing. This is a law of bliss. You know what I am talking about – one man can come and bring so much happiness to other people.

Or you can sleep through the years and only receive.

“And he rose that night…” What kind of night did you have? We may make this night like any other, like always, or we can create an incredible wonderful night.

Rise this night, brother and sister. Just come into this night and rise, stand by your window, do something with this night what you never did before. You don’t need any circumstance, any signs that it is unusual – you can provoke this miracle, you can create it. Jacob created that night, it wasn’t the night that made him rise, but he made the night reveal itself.

“And he arose that night and took his two wives, his two female servants, and his eleven sons, and crossed over the ford of Jabbok.  He took them, sent them over the brook, and sent over what he had”. (Gen. 32: 22-23)

He took what was most precious for him – so don’t keep what is precious for you. Take this most precious out and put it before yourself. Some people give much, but never the most precious, they don’t even show it, no one has seen his most precious. Different fears, people’s opinions, but try to put it before you – what is there to fear? We are actually to reach a kind of walk, when we don’t fear anything, and the main thing – we don’t fear death. The last enemy death is destroyed, Jesus did it.

Take all of yours across the brook. Some people do not let it happen and stand in the way – how low and ennoble that is. And man puts before him what can protect him, what can make him famous, but never shows the main thing, he is afraid.

“Then Jacob was left alone”. Learn to stay alone. Treasure your loneliness. Keep what belongs to God and be a man who has a virgin place where you stand barefoot on the holy ground.

“and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day”. What did he wrestle for? He wrestled with God for what is God’s, in a new dimension. He longed for the new God. He wanted to conquer new territories of God’s. And he was wounded – yes, there happen traumas from a visitation, don’t be afraid of traumas. Daniel and other people of God had to spend days or even weeks recovering from a visitation.

“And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” – that’s a grasp of the prophet – I won’t let you go, unless…

So He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob.” And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” That is gaining your new name. Feel your new name. I think, we can hear it. I already begin to feel my new name. But that is obtained not by sitting, but in a battle.

We were in China recently, and I watched people encounter with my spirit, I spoke very little with some of them, and I felt how my spirit was doing more than my words. If your stone is harder, it crushes the stone of another man. If your stone is weaker or looser, you get empowered from another person. And I felt that my stone was attracting. This is so interesting. I think, new name is drawn from there.

“Then Jacob asked, saying, “Tell me Your name, I pray.” And He said, “Why is it that you ask about My name?” And He blessed him there”.

Jacob wanted to record it all and tie things together, exchange social networks contacts… No need for linking. “Why do you want My name? You will get distracted, start to boast…why? It has already happened. Now you watch how you will ascend. It was I, I came to you, you don’t have to know my name”. Watch, you go to God, so watch there, don’t get distracted, don’t be mercantile to get hold of all things…

 So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: “For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” His life began from the revelation, from the encounter, from visitation. He moves on, but this all comes from the encounter. He created that night, and he begins to live on a new level, He is Israel, He is not Jacob any more.

I want to say it with boldness – you can do this, but how strongly do you desire this?

The point of what I am saying is that we cross the cyclicality circles, this uninteresting life of job-family-hobby cycle. You can of course quench the dream, but the Lord desires to give these breakthroughs. For that you need courage, you need to take risks.

Create your breakthrough. The Lord provides all that is needed. I remember how in the beginning of my belief in a dream I saw that great gem stone and there were different tools by it, and I heard about stewardship. You’ve got to build, pick up a tool and start working. Create your own Peniel. Receive a breakthrough in the spirit first. This is the message – transit in the spirit, and your life will transit as well. If you don’t transit in the spirit, but start doing things like getting a new job or a loan for a new apartment, have a family or a baby – natural things, but if you haven’t made the transition in the spirit, there was no wrestling there, and everything may remain like with everyone else. It is Peniel in the spirit that shift us in our destiny.

Today I urge you to make your own Peniels and encounter God at Jabbok, and wrestle with him. I believe and I know that if you struggle even a little, blessing will come multiplied. Some of you know this experience. But if you wrestle much – it is like a uranium core, which gives you energy for a whole season, and perhaps, not one.

Therefore, this is my message today – true breakthroughs in the spirit happen through Peniels.

And Esau who was coming to kill Jacob walks to meet him with embrace and tears, and they become brothers again and get united in God’s love. And the enemy becomes a friend. So don’t rack your brains on how to change your life – go and meet with Him, and He shall fulfill.