Way to the gifts of the spirit

Way to the gifts of the spirit

Power of Light in Man

Think what a dream is. This is not a vision when you can pray and fantasize something. A vision has to be verified. But a dream is a dream. You can’t invent it and you can’t order it. Either you saw it or you didn’t. And if you saw it, you don’t have to understand it. This is an area where you can’t make things up, it has, if I may say so, a higher “coefficient” of trust, compared to vision. Unless the vessel is tested. Here other criteria come into play.

Therefore, there must be people who are called to preach. Some will say, “Today I feel like I can preach!” It’s the same. We present to the brethren a vessel, which has already been tried. And this is our achievement.

There are spontaneous dreams when it visits someone. This is good. The Spirit may also fall on a Levite, not necessarily only on the prophets or the king. I am explaining to you how it works.

Revelation is given to understand the prophetic context in which we move. And such a person lives at the highest peak of spirituality. This is the format I am in. I will say that this is an unusual life. This is a kind of military branch, I don’t know what it is called in the heavenly lexicon, but everything has its price. Therefore, “zeal for spiritual gifts” – it’s not that it “falls” on you – and here is the healing, here you are as you are plus healing. No, you need to prepare the prerequisites, the base and the context in which the healing will move through you. And not that you plus healing – because you asked well. That doesn’t happen.

You have to change your life, adjust your life to the gift. And why the gifts dim – because there is no harmony between this gift and the way of life. The nature of the man doesn’t correspond to the gift of healing to move through it.

First, you need to have a strong fruit – the fruit of love, so that love flows through you when you heal. Fellowship. You can’t be in business and work and heal people. You have to be all into it. Compassion is needed, which is a necessary condition for healing. You can’t be cold toward the sick and heal people.

It is an integral part, like joints – in order to overlay them with flesh, you need to have compassion. And when there is compassion – not much else needed – just a gift of healing. But when there is no compassion – how can such a person give – he either heals or heals not. This can’t be. He has to move with compassion.

The same with prophetic gift, it moves like this: it is an increased attention to the spiritual voice. A person who prophesies can’t live relaxed. He is seeking God’s revelation all over – in all manifestations, forms, events of life – he is looking for the voice of God, he is looking for the will of God in everything. Then he transits from one who prophesies into a prophet, and he himself becomes a gift, he himself becomes a prophecy.

Therefore, “zeal for spiritual gifts” is not only about the fact that a person receives a gift, but the same life continues. That doesn’t happen. We all know this, but we don’t want to pay the price. Often we don’t have, because we don’t pay.

Be zealous for spiritual gifts – you need to match the context. Today I stir up your spirit – be zealous for spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters! But these are heavenly people. These are not carnal people, mercantile, greedy, cruel. These people are still heavenly in their nature, they are ordained in their deepest nature.

When we talk about spiritual gifts, we talk about our whole life. We can’t be the same and receive a gift. We must prepare ourselves for the gift. Imagine – a greedy prophet. Or imagine – an envious healer. Or an irritable giver. It’s all very important – it’s like rust for gifts. Those things that are in our character eat up our gifts, they destroy them.

Therefore, that we have such people who send revelations – I just want to open spiritual technologies a little – this requires a certain kind of spiritual life, a certain price. And some of you may come to such gifts, but there is a price to pay.

There are revelation gifts that operate more through the mind, as it were. They act in understanding, they are in the knowledge of God.

The knowledge of God itself, at its highest stage of attaining perfection, already works as a prophecy. Because the man explains who God is, what His ways are. This is pure – pure truth. After all, prophecy is like the brilliance of lightning that illuminates the area, and by this brilliance you see a certain area of truth, and theology contains an inner understanding, contemplation of who God is and what His ways are. That is, the truth is inside the heart, inside the human mind. This is also a very elevated gift, it is the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of the knowledge of God.

And there can be different manifestations of truth today. Like Christ – He could laugh, and it was He, He couldn’t go beyond, this is the Son of God, pure. And He didn’t hold Himself in bonds so as not to sin. He was the pure Lamb. Everything He did, He did because of the purity of His heart. Such a gift was given to us. Not just a sinful man who kept himself within limits, in the best possible way, better than Moses and Elijah. He was given to us as a gift – Emmanuel Himself, God is with us. It is, first of all, that Christ is with us.

In this direction we must move today with you towards the gifts. He says: “Zeal for greater gifts, I will show you the most excellent way,” because you can’t “add” a gift to yourself and live your former life. That doesn’t work. You need to prepare yourself for the gift.

And you don’t order gifts for yourself – you experience attraction and understanding, you begin to be zealous, coming closer and closer to the shining Stone, and you begin to understand that it is a ruby, emerald, sapphire or diamond. And you start obtaining it.

Asking – but it’s not so easy. It is written, “pursue love,” “zeal for spiritual gifts.” Zeal is more than asking. Being zealous involves more than asking. Therefore, be zealous for spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.

But it’s not done like this: “Brother, we’ve got to meet.” Meet with Him first, and we will also speak with you. You will see it yourself how this will happen – marvelous and wonderful. But first, meet Him. This is not done in a human way, but in your throne room. If you only want, if you long for revelation.


“In the hand of the man of God I see two olives, which were larger than usual. And when the man of God squeezed them, oil flowed out of them. But the olives still remained intact, without changing their shape. Also, the color of the olives was bright, did not change. The oil of these olives was fragrant, like the smell of morning dew in the field.

Some asked: “Where did you get these olives, where did you get them?” The man of God pointed to a rock where a cross was visible on its high top. Other people also wanted to have such olives and began to climb to the top of this rock, but the path turned out to be not quite easy. Some quit climbing, but some decided to continue.”

We are here to give light. The light of kindness and the light of revelation. The light of love and the light of truth. When you feel with all your inside that this is the truth, that’s the truth. Revelation Light. The light is hidden in these things. It is hidden in love, in works. Light is hidden in truth. Light is hidden in revelation.

Scripture says we can become light. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand. And it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-15)

First Jesus, and then Paul says: “… that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain, or labored in vain” (Philippians 2:15).

There are signs of a bright spirit. You know, we carry a bright spirit. Many Christians do not carry a bright spirit. They carry negativity that comes from the roots of fears and their own selfishness, and they convey their spirit. Whether we like it or not, what we do comes from our spirit.

Many Christians don’t carry light, you meet with such – and you feel worse. Everything inside you is indignant – why a person is not kind. Everything melts inside you, why a sister or brother is unkind – some kind of filth, defilement, mixing is going on. And we must purify our spirit so that it is a spirit of light, so that light comes from us.

Bright spirits have their own characteristics. “Be anxious for nothing.” How difficult it is! Which one of us won this competition?! You have to work hard, but don’t care. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Remember: always in prayer, always in supplication, always with thanksgiving. You see, peace guards our heart, shalom guards our heart in Christ. Therefore, live in the peace of God. Keep this peace and keep it as your armor! May your hearts be kept in the peace of God in Christ.

And here is the sign of a bright spirit, a man with a bright spirit, in this: “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:8-9).

A person with a dark spirit talks about dirt, first thing he starts talking about dirt. You realize instantly that he has darkness inside. There is a gentleman’s code, for example, never raise your voice, for example, never humiliate another person, even if he is an enemy. And many more rules. How much higher is it then with the highest code here?

There is a sign of a pure spirit. “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble.” A man of bright spirit is in this.

Stay awake lest we be dark. I imagine that a person filled with darkness, he knows all the “garbage” from the Internet, he is just restraining himself and is lonely. Because there is no one to share with.

We must be people of light: a person is bright, pure – he pours light out of himself, he attracts people. But one has to work for this. Maybe you had such an upbringing since childhood, then you weren’t brought up in church either, they didn’t speak to you seriously – so, you remained so dark.

If the church loses its light, it will lose it all! We can only overcome with light – if we remain kind, good, loving, forgiving. And that’s what Satan fears the most, and that’s what he hates.

The light of God is possible only in the spiritual life of man. We cannot have this light as a quality of character. No! We must crucify our character and put on the new man in spirit. In other words, as Brother Bert said, “You have as much holiness as the Holy Spirit.” And without the Holy Spirit, we cannot be holy. That is, without being filled with the Spirit, we cannot shine.

Our light is filled with the Spirit, and we must be filled with the Spirit. Understand it! Light will overcome darkness only by the Spirit of God.

And the third – God does things when we neither expect and nor know. Just go and shine like the arks. Take action! Take this – be zealous for spiritual gifts, especially to prophesy and harmonize, build your life so that you are a man of light! And often dark things – dark thoughts, dark information, dark food – defile our gift and extinguish our light.

Let our light shine before people, and it will be with kindness, love and revelation!