I want to watch Christ and God’s Word. Christ did not seek to win more people, He did not seek to win more disciples – He had twelve and seventy.
Christ remained the Son. The biggest goal of Jesus, His life assignment was to be a good Son and return to the Father – through Calvary and suffering.
Why would anyone need to prove something? Prove to brothers and sisters? To yourself? – You know you’re weak. To God? Or to Satan and enemies, with whom you shouldn’t have anything at all. So stop trying to prove something. Everything has already been proven. Just be. Make a stop and abide.
I want to harmonize. To be in universal harmony and just “sail” forth. I don’t want to damage anything. I want to take my seat in eternity softly and smoothly, without being traumatized.
I want to give you one short martial art of the spirit.
“For if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame” (Romans 10:10-11).
How is it that we make things so complicated! “Yes, it’s good to go to church, but you also need to be baptized; yes, it is good to be baptized, but you still need to keep good conscience; Yes, this is important, but you also need to love your neighbor and offer the sacrifice of hospitality.” Precept upon precept, rule upon rule, and we don’t notice how it’s all laid up like that, and when you break one thing, you dread.
But it is written so: “ if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” God makes everything simple.
This is the martial art of the spirit I want to give you: to confess Jesus as Lord. Say, “Jesus is the Lord!” – You are saved! I don’t know whether you feel it or not. But I believe! This is where faith comes in! I don’t know whether you had a good day, how many times you had a fight – I don’t know, but I do know that if I confess Jesus as the Lord, then I’m saved.
Just confess Jesus as the Lord! This is the martial art of the spirit. Just confess every day: Jesus Christ is my Lord!
Do you know that these words cannot be said in any other way, except by the Holy Spirit?
How can you prove it’s true? – It is written! It is written that if you confess with your mouth. Not just to live a life without error, blameless, to be an exemplary member of the church – no, but – to confess Jesus as the Lord!
The second is “to believe with your heart that God raised Him from the dead.” We are here because we believed that God raised Him. Believe with all your heart that God raised Christ from the dead.
That’s it! These two points are required to be saved. Believe that God has resurrected Him and confess that Jesus Christ is my Lord.
This is the martial art of the spirit – to enter into simplicity, into this foolishness of faith that the man believes that Jesus is the Lord and God raised Him from the dead. And now the man walks saved!
They believe with the heart unto righteousness. This is the explanation why you receive righteousness – when you believe that God raised Christ from the dead. Because Christ is our righteousness. You receive His righteousness – not your own, not your feelings, but His righteousness. This is a replacement life. Not a changed life, but a replaced one. Replace your life with His life!
So, if you believe, you receive righteousness. And if you confess this righteousness with your mouth, you will be saved!
With every confession I am saved! How often do we stop confessing! Let’s confess it! Confess many times a day until it becomes part of our DNA. This is my Lord!
This is a good prayer: “Lord, have mercy on me!” But “Jesus Christ is my Lord” – this means I have already been forgiven!
For Scripture says: “whoever” – this is you and me, bad, narrow-minded, smart, intellectual, successful, unsuccessful – “whoever believes in Him.” “Everyone who believes in Him” - I am on this list! “Whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame” – that is, the Lord will not put us to shame for our faith.
If we lose this major faith, we don’t trust Him to save us. We are missing something very important.
We are losing courage. It leaves. Carnal fear comes, and instead of fragrance we begin to produce “smoke”, to burn through.
There is no doubt about this – if you believe with all your heart that God raised Him from the dead and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, then you will be saved.
Faith and confession. These are the martial arts of Spirit, they go together. Believe with all your heart and confess that Jesus is your Lord! Here is the formula for salvation!
These verses are a gem – how to walk in salvation.
It’s powerful! It’s in your Bible, check it out! John Wesley, when he heard these words from Romans, he believed with all his heart. Believe! Believe with all your heart and confess! And we will be saved!
Let’s walk saved, not half-saved. We often walk in uncertainty, as if God’s attitude toward us depends on our works. A small wrong step – he stumbled – and he is already walking dull, as if rejected.
Stop whining! We must believe! We are going to believe! Believe with all your heart that God raised Him from the dead and confess that He is Lord.
We’re going into faith real, walk real. That’s the way the Church should walk.