Seven sneezers for breakthrough

Seven sneezers for breakthrough

One friend prophet sent us a message, and it’s Isaiah 49:

 “But Zion said, The Lord has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me”. Today many of you feel like the Lord has forsaken you, you feel as if the Lord is not with you. Even in times of visitation you don’t feel God’s presence, but there’s presence of emptiness and estrangement, but not the presence of glory. For such people I say today:

“But Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me.”

 “Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you.  See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; your walls are continually before Me.  Your sons shall make haste; your destroyers and those who laid you waste shall go away from you. Lift up your eyes, look around and see; all these gather together and come to you”. (Is.49: 14-18)

Today I want to release these blessings, so that the blessings that were lost may return, come together and return. When a prophet speaks it must me taken by faith. If you don’t take it by faith it may not belong to you. Take this by faith, I release this Word, which is written in the Holy Scriptures, and the prophet pointed at it with the needle of his spirit – that this you should take for this time. And I declare this word, that it should gather together and come to you as a blessing.

As I live,” says the Lord, you shall surely clothe yourselves with them all as an ornament, and bind them on you as a bride does”. – Remember that the outside circumstances do not dictate to the inner spiritual world. We must overcome those circumstances with the light. The Word came right into the darkness, like an asteroid it fell in Judea, the Savior was born in Bethlehem amidst darkness, amidst colonized Judea, Herod cut out the babies, but Christ was growing, he was shining. He returned from Egypt and was in Nazareth, and grew, and at the baptism the Holy Spirit came upon Him and the Lord shone out, when no one expected Him. Scholars in the law missed His come, but those wise men, people of the world who were alien to the law of God – they sensed Him, they recognized Him and came to worship Him. Today the world is sometimes closer to God than the church; because they are moving as spiritual beings to the fire. And if they approach church, which has no fire, they turn aside and set off to seek further. Those who lose the fire become like other people, and the worst is that they have quotes from the Bible in their mouth. That’s horrible, because they say they are the keepers of the light.

“For your waste and desolate places, and the land of your destruction, will even now be too small for the inhabitants; and those who swallowed you up will be far away.” (Is.49:19) – I want to declare this blessing, that those who devoured our strength, take our energy, our light, makes waste of our time and health – these will be far away from us. Receive this, arise! Explode with your spirit, like Samson did once – he was taken, he had no strength, but he cried out!

You may say, I need a conference, anointing with oil, laying of hands – no, you can explode with the spirit right now! Spin this whirlwind!

“The children you will have, after you have lost the others – some of you lost children, spiritual or literal, your communities became empty –  will say again in your ears, ‘the place is too small for me; give me a place where I may dwell.’  Then you will say in your heart, ‘who has begotten these for me, since I have lost my children and am desolate, a captive, and wandering to and fro? And who has brought these up? There I was, left alone; but these, where were they?”(Is.49:20-21)

May this return on us, so that we receive not what we know, not what we expect, or what we prayed for. Let that come, what is beyond our understanding, what is beyond our expectation and planning, what is beyond our prayer list – let this come!

When Christ came, only a few people prayed, but many did not know, but He came. So I declare this that it may be released for us, that this may come, what we don’t understand, don’t expect, don’t ask.

 But thus says the Lord: “Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away,

And the prey of the terrible be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your children. I will feed those who oppress you with their own flesh, and they shall be drunk with their own blood as with sweet wine. All flesh shall know that I, the Lord, am your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”(Is.49: 25-26)

The Lord can do great miracles and signs. This is not only what we imagine, but we should accept all of God, all of God’s revelation for ourselves. They Lord may say “Yes, the captives of the mighty shall be taken away”, but you may sit and not believe inside – isn’t this horrible? You may say “I believed a thousand times and it doesn’t help”, but don’t you think you stand against God, when you speak so? Don’t you think you bring reproach on God? Who said to you that you’ve gone through all the trails? Who said that you have the heaviest cross? Who said to you that you’ve suffered more than Christ? Therefore, don’t complain, better repent, get strengthened and begin to believe again, the way you believed in your first days, when you came and saw the Father. What happened to you? Can people have succeeded to turn you away? Didn’t you come to follow God? How God could disappoint you? You don’t have faith! As Christ said, “O, faithless generation!” and “you, of little faith, why did you doubt?” So return to faith.

The Lord wants us to be with Him face to face, not like Moses who covered His face, so that the sons of Israel would not see the glory. But like Jesus lifted up His face, opened up His arms and prayed to His Father as if He saw Him. Apostle Paul says, “with an unveiled face like in a mirror”.

 Open up, let the Lord unveil us, we aren’t supposed to hide from Him. Whatever happens, no matter what situation, don’t hide from Him, but go to Him! Open your spirit wide! We have only this way, no other. Only this is your salvation. Give yourself totally and unveil your face, face to face with our God and our Father, and our Savior.


“It was shown how from the beginning light was separated from the darkness. And first people on earth were also separated as people of light from people of darkness. – This is true, because the Scripture says that people of the evil one began. Sons of Cane and sons of Seth began, when they began to call the name of the Lord. – And all of the Universe is divided into light and darkness, people live on both sides, which has been up to now. The darkness is present like shadow in the Universe. Every day there’s work happening with the people in the Universe, who live in the darkness of this shadow. This work is done by Angels together with the people of light as they separate people from the darkness and taking them into light.

Then it was shown how inside the heart of the man of God there was this separation into light and shadow of light, but there was no conflict between them, because the light shining inside swallowed the darkness, and there was only shadow left for compassion and love to people who still live in the darkness.

Inside him it was like Jesus going down to hell to preach there and take the keys of hell and death. The man of God was given these keys, they were deposited in the very inside of his heart. These keys joined with the compassion to people living in darkness opened any kind of the doors of the darkness, so as to serve behind the most closed doors in the nations of the world who live in darkness.”

These keys are not only from the spheres on earth, but also from the spiritual realm. And this is an answer to the question, why does shadow remain in us. Some of us may still feel the remaining shadow inside. But here a secret is described, this is solid food – of how to turn this shadow into compassion, into knowledge of man, knowledge of how weak man is before God, so that this shadow can be turned in to the key of compassion. Why many saints were let to stay in contrition, why for many of us the Lord allows a sting in the flesh – so that we keep ourselves humbled. Why some of us can’t receive healing – so that we keep ourselves humbled, so that we abide in hope because our faith was insufficient in the nature of purity, and God desires the salvation of our souls. This is an answer to the question why shadow still remains in us. I don’t say darkness, I say shadow. This beauty is clear to me, I admire God, how He answers to the deep questions of the heart.

I want to say, don’t stop the work! As Paul says, “as you abound in every thing, in faith and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence…” (2Cor.8:7) We may abound in faith and utterance and knowledge, but how about diligence? Diligence is fire, this is passion! Therefore, abound in diligence! Abound in this desire, passion, this fire! If you do anything, do it with diligence. Do not quit your diligence in labor in the House of the Lord.

There may be different reasons for stopping the work. It happens that sin or defilement in people cause the work to stop. In times when there were no judges, the people stepped away and lived by worldly values, and the Lord would raise an enemy to awaken His people with judgments.

Sometimes the reason for the work to stop may be persecution. Or different distracting circumstances, when we need to take care of the house, family, job, schools etc. But it is all because we don’t live by spirit. If we lived a spiritual life the Lord would take away from us all other things, which are called vanity.

Another reason was “mixing”, when Israel was colonized by other countries, by Rome, even the money currency was active both Jewish and Roman. When Jesus came He cleansed them of the mixture – “Make not my Father’ house a house of merchandise” (John 2:16)  This kind of mixing can cause the work to stop, because there’s no power, you don’t know where to invest.

The reason for work to stop is when you put responsibility on others, when you think that someone else will do the outreach, someone will come and save us, our land. Those days are long ago over. You and me – here’s responsibility! Why should it be someone else? This is your Bible – you go! When we realized this, that these are Acts written in Russian for us, then something began to happen.

Another reason for the works to stop is spiritual weakening – a mostly wide-spread reason. The times when righteous kings, leaders, prophets were gone there came spiritual weakness among the people. If you don’t feed the fire, it’s not going to burn by itself! And this spiritual weakness comes from you and me, and when I see myself getting weaker spiritually, so I see the congregation, I see dim eyes. But I don’t want to be dim, I bring the word about the fire today.

Therefore, go up the mountain and build the temple. And the Lord says. “Turn your hearts on your ways” (Hag.1:7) I remember a story, where an Indian chief was telling how he came to know the truth in his life. He mentioned a saying that they had in their tribe: “if you are about to leave your path, turn around and look closely at the foot traces that led you to this place”. And the Lord says. “Turn your hearts on your ways”. Think about the traces that brought you here.

“Go up the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house” – here is the healing from mistakes. If I don’t know whether I am pleasing to God, but if I start going up the mountain and support brothers who are building, start bringing wood and take part – the Lord says, “I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified!”.

We don’t need another revelation, we need awakening to serve Christ with all our heart! Do you hear?! What can I say more powerful? If we don’t hear this, we won’t hear anything.

This radiant church that preserves the vision and understanding, who looks up at Christ face to face and doesn’t hear other voices. She shakes all the dust and all that distracts her, she preserves her purity and virginity of the bride and remains faithful bride for her Bridegroom.

And last thing.

 “And the mother of the child said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.” So he arose and followed her. Now Gehazi went on ahead of them, and laid the staff on the face of the child; but there was neither voice nor hearing. – There are things you can’t delegate – it doesn’t work, because you have to go yourself. –  Therefore he went back to meet him, and told him, saying, “The child has not awakened.” When Elisha came into the house, there was the child, lying dead on his bed. He went in therefore, shut the door behind the two of them, and prayed to the Lord. – Sometimes you must pray alone. – And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, his eyes on his  eyes, and his hands on his hands; and he stretched himself out on the child, and the flesh of the child became warm. – Do you see? He didn’t say a single word, he didn’t command anything, he stretched himself on the child and made him warm with his own warmth. –  He returned and walked back and forth in the house, and again went up and stretched himself out on him; then the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes.

Russia must sneeze seven times! Europe, Asia, East and West must sneeze seven times! Personally I and you must sneeze seven times! First time I pay so much attention to this action, but it was interesting. He sneezed seven times and opened his eye. Something must have gone out of the boy with the sneezes. And I want to declare a season of healthy sneezing, we need to sneeze through, because as you sneeze, you get renewed, you get awakened.

Forgive me lack of esthetics, but Russia must sneeze seven times, Christianity, those who sleep, the church must sneeze. I am not going to explain everything to you, may the Lord reveal to you further thing, but this is the beginning – we need to sneeze.