We impact time, make effect on certain processes, not only yield to them, but push and move them. I think “moving mountains” is also about time. These are mountains of seasons, mountains of stages, mountains of times; we can cast into the “sea” not only problems, but also mountains of times.
We experienced a strong immersion in Ishmael. One day Isaac met Ishmael. Ishmael is an orphan in a foreign country, a servant mother with no husband, the boy with no father. What could this family expect? – Only to be “second class”… Perhaps, being enslaved or hired. But Ishmael became a prince. How was it possible? “Because he had the spirit and seed of Abraham in him. He established princes over the land. Only a king could do this. Ishmael was great because he had God’s blessing on him. During his generation, during his life, he became a prince, begot sons and made them princes. So incredible was this blessing of the Lord, personal for Ishmael.
And what was his fault? – There was none! He mocked Isaac – but all boys mock others, the punishment he suffered was not proportionate to his guilt. I think that today that enmity, that resentment, that pain that exists in the huge tribe of Ishmael, it is being read and, of course, they will no longer accept the Jewish Christ. They’ve gone too far. Many Muslims hate Jews genetically. Since childhood they are taught that Jews are enemies.
Therefore, there will hardly be enough time on the planet for them to accept the Jewish Messiah. The entire Letter to Hebrews is dedicated to the fact that Jesus is no longer a Jew. It is to the Jews that Apostle Paul writes and proves that Jesus is no longer a Jew, but He is forever according to the order of Melchizedek.
And Muslims, the children of Ishmael, will accept the Messiah only under the mantle of Melchizedek. They will never accept the Jewish Messiah, they will accept the Messiah who will come to them as thier own. This is a powerful revelation that the Lord has given us.
Another key. There is Isa in the Qur’an who is to return. And we can say: “Let’s pray with you that Isa, who both you and we have, will appear to you!” If you truly believe that Jesus hears your prayers, you can be this bold and speak this to any Muslim. And you can be sure: if the Lord appears to a person, this person will no longer remain the same.
The Lord promises that He will appear to His own. Not everyone is ready to leave their faith, to break with their relatives – all these are big mountains. And not everyone can bear it all, even if you impress him. But to pray for the Lord to appear to them – everyone can do it, this is not a crime for Muslims. These are miracles. Jesus is in Mecca today for the Hajj. He Himself comes to His own.
“Three worlds were shown. The first world is creation. The second is the world of people in Russia. And the third is the world of the Eastern Gates. They coexisted at the same time.
There was a blossoming spring in the world of creation, fragrance of the blossoming trees. Only spring with fragrance was gloomed by the lack of harmony with the world of people.
The world of people in Russia was gloomy, as if covered with a dark veil, so that the light could hardly break through this veil, and the veil was on the hearts of people, on their minds and on their eyes. Through the veil, people could not enjoy the fragrance of spring that came flowering trees.
And the third world is the Eastern Gate. The Gates were in constant motion from the Spirit that filled them. They wouldn’t stand still, because they had wheels. When the Spirit filled them, they moved in the direction the Spirit wanted to go.
The world of the Eastern Gate influenced, impacted the creation and the world of people, transferring great hope to these two worlds”
We must pour hope into the world of this earth, nature, creation and the world of people.
“I see a big cloud that was full of eyes. It was connected with the Eastern Gates. The eyes in the cloud were different – they were like lightning, a bright light, and they were also like a burning flame. All of them were different. Each time the cloud was replenished with new eyes from the Eastern Gates, expanding the cloud.
The eyes carefully searched the earth and what is happening on it. And from some eyes tears fell to the ground”.
Oh, I really wouldn’t want the eyes to weep when looking at us! I really wouldn’t want that, looking at our churches, the eyes from the cloud shed tears! How I wish these eyes, looking at us, could rejoice, and not cry!
I shared about accepting the inevitable. It is not wise to avoid it. Inevitability is something that one day will befall everyone. We spoke about three dimensions: life with pain, life alone, life when they lose interest in you. This is very true – many people experience such situations in life.
And we need to be prepared.
First of all – to new manifestations and qualities of God. Throughout the whole history of mankind the Lord has been revealing His Names. He reveals more and more about Himself. And what He has already revealed about Himself, He does not shut. From Seth they began to call on the Name of the Lord. From Noah to Abraham, He kept revealing His new Names – and never shut them again. All the time these Names have been active.
But throughout history, the Lord continues to reveal His Names because He is infinite. It is difficult for us to understand, but He Who created infinity, He Himself is infinite. The Being Who created infinity is even more infinite, incomprehensible. These are the incredible vast expanses of the One who is God.
You and I are unable to comprehend Him, as Scripture teaches. We are unable to embrace Him. Christ came to earth to reveal to us the important revelation that will give us the way to this source. Jesus opened the way for us.
Interestingly, the Lord appeared to Abraham in a new image.
“Then the Lord appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamre, as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day. So he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing by him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground, and said, “My Lord, if I have now found favor in Your sight, do not pass on by Your servant. Please let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. And I will bring a morsel of bread, that you may refresh your hearts. After that you may pass by, inasmuch as you have come to your servant.” They said, “Do as you have said.” (Genesis 18:1-5).
Three men appeared and he called them “Lord”. What was it about Abraham that he knew the Lord. How could he recognize the Lord in these three men? He said it right with the first attempt. This is the heart of God’s prophet. It is unlikely that Abraham called himself a prophet, but God considered him a prophet, because he is a friend of God.
Another situation was with another man who lived thousands years after Abraham. It was a disciple of Jesus. He was in chains, he was suffering for Christ, for his faith. It was daylight, and suddenly he heard a voice. He didn’t know whose voice it was.
“I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet, saying, “I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.” (Revelation 1:9-10).
John turned to hear Whose voice.
“Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters; He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength. And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.” (Revelation 1:12-18).
He didn’t even identify himself as Jesus, but said that he was “the First and the Last.” And John fell like a dead man. This is how the Lord appeared to His disciple at the end of the Bible. He came glorified. John fell like a dead man before the Master.
Today we need to be ready for new manifestations of the Lord. Many Christians live by the old manifestations. I myself got caught up, as I experienced powerful encounters with the Lord and tried to reproduce them again. But nothing worked, as if the Lord called to go forward, as if He never repeated. All the time the Lord is leading us forward. He opens new facets of Himself again and again.
Today we need to prepare for new manifestations and facets of the Lord. Nobody taught me I would encounter more and more facets of God. I didn’t know it and I wasn’t ready for it. But today I know about it. The Lord is preparing us for new and new manifestations, for new qualities of Himself.
My experience has changed, my knowledge has also changed: it has become wider, it has begun to touch people whom I did not embrace into my gospel before. Today it contains them.
My understanding of God was that He was less loving than I understand now. I continue to be amazed at how much His mercy continues to reach out to me. It is very difficult for me to “keep up” with God – with His love. His bounties, His love is poured out on me. I don’t want to lose this precious water that is being poured out, and I have to keep pace with the Lord by faith – to receive His love. The Lord is taking higher to these manifestations.
I have already said that I stopped praying for my protection. I haven’t prayed for my protection in years. I used to do it because that’s how I was taught. I am protected! This is a new experience, a new Gospel. Many people pray while getting into a car, on an airplane. I don’t. The Lord has taught me to trust.
He said: “I am your protection! I am your shield! Why would I tell the shield to be my shield?! I am not teaching you to do the same, because it is all by faith. I don’t know what your faith is. The gospel must grow into a testimony.
I also had the experience of manifested faults and judgments. “Therefore I have hewn them by the prophets, I have slain them with the words of my mouth, and My judgment is like light that goes forth.” (Hosea 6:5).
Sometimes they get offended with me for reproach. But I think it’s the other way round – pray that I always speak the Word of God. Because who will speak it then? You will only speak affectionate speeches to each other. I chose to speak the truth.
This Word about the prophets was spoken by the Lord Himself. Don’t you want us to have prophets who will speak the Word of God?!
The judgment of God is like the rising light. Because judgment is righteous. “For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings” (Hosea 6:6).
Let us be ready for new manifestations of God, for new qualities of His Name.
One must be ready for new ways, Gates and windows of heaven. It was a discovery for me to get to many countries of the world, especially closed ones.
And many other things. These are new paths, new gates. This is what we must be ready for, because the Lord is moving, He never stands still. So if any of you have a static faith, you’re wasting your time – better get up, rise and move forward. And you will experience God’s grace.
I don’t have time to talk about many other things. We entered the Apostolic Work…
This is all our history.
We must be ready for new forms of life. For a long time I was involved with music lovers, they were people who were well versed in music, who had taste. Then I came to believe, began to sing from hymn books, and then came the style of worship, pop music. Basically, they sing like that in churches.
But the time came – and we desired to follow the heart and there prophetic creativeness began. Our prayer changed – it gained authority, prophetic power, it changed a lot. The accompanying signs came. A cloud of witnesses came, of whom God testifies that it is His will.
New forms of life. I feel a deep yearning for more. I thought, “How does Jesus come to us? How does He view what we do? Is this what He wants from us? I don’t know. I think that we bring joy to Jesus, but there are greater measures. I want to prepare for new forms of life.
We need to be ready for new friends. Today I am glad that more and more people write to us that they identify themselves with the “Voice”. I see them as birds. Some of them are ministers, some are burnt out, and others are seekers, pilgrims who go and seek shelter… I’m just a voice. I cannot give them a home, I can give them the refuge of the voice.”
The voice is also a refuge, it can also be a cave. Find your habitation place within the voice.
Find new friends. You need to win people by the sacrifice of fellowship, the sacrifice of your heart. You can’t be selfish and get a new friend. A friend is someone who will give a part of himself. An egoist will not find friends. So if you want new friends, you must leave the place of ego. It won’t work convenient. It will work inconvenient.
We need to be prepared for our friends to get cold in love and get old. When a friend grows old and becomes weak in love. He was a friend – young and burning, but now he runs no more, he wants you not to touch him. When the gospel is personal, it has power. When the Gospel is abstract, it has no power. Yes, you need to be prepared that friends can weaken in love. They love, but not in the way you want.
We need to be prepared for the loss of health. Perhaps it’s not so easy any more to get up in the morning. We need to be prepared for the weakening of health. We need to learn to be ready for anything. A person who walks in the mortality and the dying of Jesus.
Today it is a big problem – there is no teaching about the death of Jesus. There is a teaching about faith, about prosperity, we talk about increasing wealth, but we go home, nothing happens, and we pretend that we have it. The church begins to play the game of successful people. What for? When you can openly talk about it. After all, the gospel touches everything. The Lord says, “If I go down to Hades, You are there.” The Lord is in Hades too. He is in the underworld of your soul, your heart.
You have to be ready for betrayal. How do you like that? When we are not ready for it, we suffer greatly. But Jesus was ready for betrayal. His disciples betrayed Him, fled from Golgotha. This is also cowardice. Jesus said to Judas, “Go and do what you have in mind.” This means that He was completely ready. But we suffer and fall when we are not ready for it.
We must raise the doctrine of the Lord’s dying. Scripture tells us that the Lamb is taken whole, roasted with entrails, but with bitter herbs. If we take away just a “little thing” – bitter herbs – then this is no longer the Lamb.
They accept everything, but they remove bitter herbs. And people are ashamed of suffering, because they think that they have some kind of problem with the Lord. It is not true. The gospel embraces the whole person. The Gospel redeems the whole person. We don’t have to pretend to be spiritual in order for Jesus to love us. We don’t have to pretend to be anyone! We can be ourselves and accept each other with love. There is great love in this! Let’s finally do it! Let’s stop playing spiritual!
The hypocrisy will go away and the pure truth will come. Why didn’t Peter leave? – Because he came running and said that he had sinned. He ran to the disciples and burst into tears, told that he had betrayed Christ. And that’s it! After five minutes he was restored. This is very powerful. Therefore, let us return the bitter herbs to the Lamb!
This is such a liberation!
We have old people, who are over seventy and over eighty years old. It is so beautiful! I used to think that the Apostolic Church is a youth church. No! The church embraces everyone. There must be both babies and old people.
There are married and single, there are topics such as a second marriage or death from cancer. These are topics that “shouldn’t” be touched. Tell me, can you die from a stroke? What about a heart attack? People are dying from various diseases.
The “dark spot” in teaching is single people. Is this a curse? Paul said that this is an advantage. Protestants today teach that prosperity is family happiness. But Apostle Paul teaches that the advantage is to be single. We need to restore the pure doctrine. Today we took sideways, made the teaching for ourselves. The world has entered the church – worldly ideas, worldly values. It is necessary to restore the purity of teaching.
We must be prepared for the loss and loss of loved ones. You can, of course, pretend. But you have to be prepared for the inevitable. You have to be ready for death. And when we are ready for all that is listed above, we are ready for the encounter with Christ. If we are not prepared, then we are afraid to meet Jesus – we are afraid to cross the Jordan.
Both for good and for evil – you need to be ready for everything. So my topic today is to be prepared for the inevitable.
We need to be ready for the new formations of God. He sits above the circle of life. He is the Lord. He is God both in the underworld and in the heights of heaven. May the church today also, from the heights of heaven to hell, embrace everyone, so that we can be true people of God – healthy and blessed.