Prophetic component

Prophetic component

Today there is a great need for discernment and for the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

 About the prophetic component.

“… I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the acacia tree, the myrtle and oil tree; I will set in the desert cypress tree and the pine, and box tree together, that they may see and know, and consider and understand together that the hand of the Lord has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it” (Isaiah 41:19-20).

It says that the Lord will do these beautiful things. The Lord will take these different trees that give our eyes beautiful experiences and plant them together for all to see and know and consider and understand. What needs to be seen, known, considered and understood? – That the hand of the Lord did it.

These are new nets. New strategies. It means to connect the unconnectable. God does it.

Look at Peter: he jumped into the water to walk on the water to Jesus, he hit his chest that he would not deny Him. And look at Paul: he was temperate, he was brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, he had an elitist education. And Peter said in his letter to listen to Paul, because he spoke correctly.

What a beauty! Here is a planting – cedar, oil tree, box tree, acacia tree – so that everyone can see and know that the hand of the Lord has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it.

We are different. But we must learn to live together. The only way we can do this is by love in the Holy Spirit, because He will build up everything the way He has ordained from eternity. The Lord has given us spiritual gifts so that we, in accordance with them, make up the Divine pattern and canvas, because this is the Body of Christ.

There is no governing of man, but God’s. When man begins to build, trouble comes from this – often conflicts and lack of fruit. But governing by the Holy Spirit is when spiritual gifts govern the people of God in the freedom of Christ. Everyone feels good. There is a higher level of unity. And everyone enjoys their ministry to the Lord.

Once an Angel came to Daniel, touched him and said: “O man greatly beloved, fear not! Be strong!.. Now I must return to fight with the prince of Persia.”

The Lord wants to return to touch us again and strengthen us for new battles. We need this prophetic anointing because the Spirit of Jesus is a prophetic spirit.

Today, a prophetic picture of the world is so much needed, a picture of the church, a picture of the community in the Body of Christ, and a prophetic picture of time, how the movement of God is happening inside your heart.

The heart is a micro Universe, if we watch this, we will know the entire Universe. As in a drop of the ocean there is the whole ocean, so there is a movement inside the heart – it gives us the experience of what is in this world.

Jesus lived in a small town – Nazareth. But He knew what was going on in this world.

The spirit of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

There are different kinds of prophetic manifestations today. We need to go beyond churchism. We sometimes narrow the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and God to us is a God of meetings.

There are different kinds of prophetic manifestations.

There is a mystical anticipation. This is true even for people in the world. This is beyond intuition. I’m talking about the category of people who have a metaphysical longing. Sometimes you listen to a preacher, but he doesn’t have this component, he’s like a “Christmas merry fellow”. So light and superficial a person – he doesn’t convey the suffering of Christ. You listen to his light superficial sermon, his light prayer, and your deep longing, your deep hunger – he doesn’t satisfy it. You leave thirsty. You can neither drink nor eat from such a sermon… because your deep longing for God is not satisfied.

Paul says that we are “groaning under a burden,” “the whole creation is waiting for the revelation of the sons of God.” All creation groans, it lost paradise. This memory in the depths of our genes calls us back to Eden.

Many people in the world today are seeking. But preachers often walk around quite lightly and don’t satisfy this feeling of people with metaphysical longing.

So today many people are looking for spirituality, and the church is not the answer. People are disappointed. They come and hear a light word, experience some fleeting joy.

Let’s not be superficial, let’s preach from the depths of our wells, from the depths of our hearts. You have to swim deep to catch big fish.

One type of manifestation is intuitive guidance. Sometimes we obey the impulses of the heart. The heart takes us out. Then we turn around and see that it was God. Many people start with this. This anticipation gives them the experience of God.

One thinker said that there are several manifestations of God – these are: creation, through which we see God, the conscience of man, through it we receive instruction, and the Word of God, a revelation about God. The Word is the purest revelation of God. We check all things through it.

Imagine a God Service where the prophetic is going on – where it’s not about one person, but the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The craving for revelation should lead us to a living way of receiving the Word of the Lord in our communities.

There is also reading of  signs of life and the God of life. We can read the signs, we can recognize destiny, discern events that take place.

Sometimes judgments come in a man’s life. If it is punishment in process, but the man doesn’t even realize it, how will he understand? We need to see the Lord – whether it is a stop, a warning, a punishment or a blessing from God. All these things the Lord does through the signs of destiny. We need to be attentive to the ways, because the Lord gives us signs of life.

There is also such a prophetic manifestation as wisdom in the spirit of counsel. When we have fellowship with wise people and begin to obey, it is such a blessing when the Lord speaks through us. But If a pastor decides everything himself, it is very difficult.

Take counsel from God’s people, take what they say. It is very good. The people make their own decisions and learn to be responsible. Both you are free, and brothers and sisters make this decision. Pastors become free people and cease to be “the ultimate truth.” Real freedom begins in the love of Christ.

Receive  prophetic manifestations through counsel with God’s people.

Another type of prophetic manifestation is the voice of the heart from the Spirit of Wisdom. The anointing of God is within you. The Lord gives us the anointing. If you have some understanding of God within you – test yourself, ask the people of God. God’s Spirit-baptized people feel the truth. The Word says that the anointing that is within us “teaches us, and you know all things.”

There is also direct prophetic revelation through dreams and visions. If you have these sources, make sure they work always. The Lord wants us to watch over our springs so that they always supply water. To do this, you must always draw from there. Guard your sources of prophetic walking.

Hearing the voice of God. Behind the voice is the spirit. Behind the Voice of the Lord is the Spirit and truth. If any voice begins to speak lies, you will understand that it is not the voice of God. We need to learn to hear the voice of God. Scripture promises us that “you hear the voice of the Spirit and do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of God.” Develop the ability to hear the voice of the Lord, today more than ever, this is needed in the church of the last days.

Guidance of the Spirit, when the Lord guides, directs. It can be through intuition, experience, it can be through visions, revelations. This is the guidance of the Spirit. The church must be led by the Spirit of God. Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. Achieve in your church the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

One of the prophetic manifestations is the knowledge of God. Man knows God. He knows what the Father is like. It is experience based on life experiences plus the truth of God’s Word. He knows. The Lord says He desires “the knowledge of God more than sacrifice.”

There are people who have many gifts. Perhaps there is no one who has all the gifts – but this is not necessary. God has all the gifts. We need to strive not to have all the gifts, but what the Lord wants. And He gives understanding – “zeal for more.” Paul told us to desire the “excellent way,” love.

I believe that the sum of all gifts and love gives us an excellent way of walking in the knowledge of God and in the revelation of the Son of God. This is a wonderful path.

This is the path of the highest creativity. This is the highest form and quality of life – to live filled with the Holy Spirit. Our churches can flourish and give fragrance if we enter the path of the Spirit – it will be a bouquet of gifts of the Spirit.