November 3d was the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
But let us keep our precious brothers and sisters in hearts and prayers not only on this day, but every day support them as they stand for the Kingdom of Christ through trials and tribulations. That they may be good witnesses and have joy of the Lord, faithful to the end.
Pray that:
1. they may feel the Lord’s presence
2.they know that we pray for them
3.they feel God’s comfort
4. they see how the Lord opens the door for preaching the Good News.
5.they may be bold in sharing the Gospel.
6.they grow in their faith
7.they be wise while ministering to the new converts
8. they keep joy even amidst suffering
9. they may forgive and love their persecutors
10.they may be rooted in God’s Word.
World Watch List: assesses 50 countries around the world where it is most difficult to be a Christian. This is a one of a kind annual, in-depth study. Recent data (2019) show that the level of persecution is higher today than ever before in modern history:
– 245 million Christians in only 50 countries from the List experience a high level of persecution for their choice to follow Christ.
– 1 out of 9 Christians in the world is experiencing a high level of persecution.
– The number of Christians who experience a high level of persecution increased by 14% compared to 2018.
– 4,136 Christians were killed in 50 countries from the List for their faith.
– 2,625 Christians were detained without trial, arrested, or imprisoned in these 50 countries.
– 1,266 churches or Christian buildings were attacked only in List 50 countries.
– in 7 countries from the top ten of List 50, the main cause of persecution is Islamic oppression.
– 11 countries have an “extreme” level of persecution. Five years ago, only North Korea had this level.
– For 18 consecutive years, SK has taken 1st place in persecution.
1 The shocking reality of persecution against women.
Women experience “double persecution” – for being Christians and for being women. In the most limited circumstances, gender-based persecution is a key means to destroy small Christian communities. Such persecution is difficult to evaluate because of their complexity, cruelty and secrecy. In many cultures, where women are at a particular eye, it is difficult, or even impossible, to get accurate numbers.
2 Islamic pressure continues to affect millions of Christians.
In 7 out of 10 of the first countries, the main reason for the persecution is Islamic pressure. This means that for millions of Christians, especially Muslims, following Christ can have painful consequences. They may be treated as second-class citizens, discriminated against in relation to work, or even subjected to brutal attacks.
3 Two countries with the largest population in the world are in List 50
For the first time since the beginning of List 50, India has entered the top ten most persecuted countries. And China rose up 16 points, from 43 to 27 place.
Each of these countries is home to more than a billion people, and increased persecution is distressing.
Hindus in India continue to attack Christians for no apparent reason, while in China, the increased power of the government and the strengthening of the head of state continue to impede open worship in some parts of the country.
4 The spread of Islam throughout North Africa.
While the cruelties of ISIS and other militant Islamists disappeared from headlines in the Middle East, their loss of territories there means that they spread to a large number of countries. And not only in that region, but also significantly in the Sub-Sahara region. Their radical ideology “inspired” a significant number of splinter groups, including such as Boko Haram in Nigeria, where they capture hundreds of women and girls, and this is part of their strategy.
5 More laws passed to control religion
State authoritarianism is increasing in many parts of the world. It is supported through the growing capabilities of personal digital technologies. Governments can follow through face recognition, electronic chips, etc.
In Vietnam, Myanmar, China and North Korea everyone sees how state control over religious rights is being strengthened.