New wine

New wine

The Lord revealed to us a certain time ago about woman, who is a prototype of the church, that she gives blood three times. First is when a girl starts having after the manner of women. Mature parents celebrate this with their daughter, so that instead of getting a complex she may feel free and happy, because this is natural. But why does it have to be blood? What is this? Because of Eve. Now she has to prepare to become a mother and these deep global processes happen with her body, and she gives blood. Second time comes when she becomes a woman. It happens to every woman, this is what must happen. And again this is a blessed process, when she is becoming a future mother, and again she has to give blood. Blood spilled out smells death. Blood carries life only when it’s inside man. If the blood is outside the body this is death. When you see blood spilled, this is unnatural, it shocks any normal person. It is supposed to be hidden inside, under the skin. And third time is when she gives birth. This is interesting.

I think that the church also gives blood – when she starts growing, when she becomes mature and is now able to conceive, and when she gives birth. The church that avoids blood spill may remain fruitless. She may grow old, but if she has not had two latter bloods, she will never have children. It is always pain, and this is pain that brings life to someone else.

Apostle Paul says, “I travail in birth until Christ be formed in you”. It talks about maturity as well. He gave birth to people, and not only he gave birth, but made them mature to present a faultless bride to God. He always suffered – “death works in us, life works in you”, that is he kept shedding this blood.

I spoke before, and I am getting more and more convinced, that our true significant work for eternity actually happens when it’s not one blood, but two bloods working, one of Christ, one of us, when they are mixed in one vessel, only then the connection happens.

Christ came by the Holy Spirit into Virgin Mary. She conceived being a virgin and carried being a virgin – it was a miracle, the Lord showed He is above human laws, He is not man. And the Virgin conceived, and then gave birth with the blood.

And I am more and more convinced that blood has to be shed, and I choose the cup with both blood of Christ mixed with mine, and know not a higher unity than when blood is mixed. This is a great mystical mystery, which is connected with death, that is it’s impossible to do this without death, because blood has to be shed. Man can survive, but it’s always a wound. This wound must be healed, but again and again this torn heart keeps shedding blood.

When we make Christ shed His blood, then there remains no sacrifice – when we do this consciously, when we disturb His wounds. But when we go forth with this blood and carry it as a banner this blood is shed for good.

Today I want to speak and reveal a most powerful mystery. Christ said, no man pours new wine into old wineskins. Once I was given wine skins as a gift, good quality double wine skins with wine. I was interested how this works. The wine stayed there for a long time, and it was wonderful and pure and fresh, it was not in the freezer, and it was better that in glass. When the wine ran out – we used it for communion – we poured wine there again, not water, because water spoils, but wine gets better. After a while I discovered that 30% of it evaporated, I don’t know how, but what remained was of most excellent quality. Later they poured water into them and the skins were ruined, they were torn through not where the seam was, the seam was stronger than the leather.

 “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins.” (Mark 2:22)

It is so beautiful when the new wine is not in the old, dried wine skins, but in the new, fresh and pure.

“But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved. And no one, having drunk old wine, immediately desires new; for he says, ‘The old is better.’ ”(Luke 5:38-39) – Now this is a problem – we don’t want changes. We want, but we don’t want. But the only acceptable condition for us before God is to be new wine skins. The Lord will pour new wine only in new wine skins. He watches carefully over His best things, He doesn’t give them out all over for waste. But as soon as we become new wine skins, the Lord sends us new wine.

New wine I call our renewed relationship with God, new wine I call renewed teaching; this is prophetic word that must be fresh and progressive.

New wine is also renewed relationship with one another. It is very important that we renew relationship. New wine is also new precious people in our life, new friends, who we lay our lives for, and they will lay their lives for us.

And here the Lord reveals this great mystery.

“And as they were eating, Jesus took bread – this wasn’t any unusual bread – blessed and broke it, and gave it to them and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.”  Then He took the cup, and when He had given thanks He gave it to them, and they all drank from it. And He said to them, “This is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for any. Assuredly, I say to you, I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” (Mark 14:22-25)

We don’t understand many things here: how bread can become flesh, how can anyone at all eat some one’s flesh and drink blood? But He does this. And His blood comes into our blood, we join these two bloods. Whether you want it or not, it doesn’t simply gets into our stomach – it enters our blood and we join with His blood on the level of the blood, not level of intestines. And we join with His Body, because in our body comes this strength of the Bread. And we join through body and blood – this is the highest unity. And He teaches about the Father: As I am one with the Father so you be one with me. And He gives us this unity.

“. Assuredly, I say to you, I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine” – that is, I won’t be able to take wine with you anymore, because now is the time for Gethsemane followed by Golgotha, then the tomb, then going down into hell, the Ascension, and I won’t be able to take wine anymore… until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.

And we read before that new wine is not poured into the old wine skins. That means supernatural wine!

When Jesus was in Cana of Galilee, He turned water into wine.

“On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.  Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine – well we feel that we lack wine today: prophecy, healing, manifestation of power, and we realize this… – the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.”- Here’s an amazing mystery of relationship of Jesus and His mother. I don’t know the manner she said these words to Him, one needs revelation to express it. Perhaps it was said tenderly with tears in her eyes, but perhaps it was straight and serous.

Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” – See how He speak to this mother. He speaks as the prophet, as the Messiah, because He entered a dimension at this wedding feast, and it was already Christ. She saw this and understood it all. She saw the Angel, Gabriel came to her, she saw how they were led through Joseph’s dreams to Egypt… But Jesus has not done a miracle yet, she has not yet seen a miracle from Jesus. She saw certain things about Him, that He wasn’t an ordinary child. Now she felt she was losing Him as her son, but was gaining Him as the Lord. We too should lose one another as people and gain as anointed ones.

And so it happens here, an exodus out of the fleshly and approaching and ascending in the spiritual. I desire so much that brothers and sisters be connected in the Holy Spirit, in the royal spirit of the Kingdom.

And Jesus starts to arise, I see how she can’t recognize Him, and yet she recognizes Him. She remembers Gabriel, hears his voice and starts to realize that it’s not just her Son before her, but it is Christ the Messiah. And she is the mother who breastfed Him.

“Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” – What hour is He talking about?

And she watched Him and understood it all. “ His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” It has never been before that they would speak like that, there hasn’t been a miracle done by Jesus. But Mother recognized it in Him and said, “Whatever He says to you, do it”.

And He speak about Golgotha hour, when the strength will be taken away from Him, and He won’t be able to do any miracle. But now this is the time to work a miracle!

  “Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece.  Jesus said to them, “Fill the waterpots with water.” – Simple things that are before our eyes every day. –  And they filled them up to the brim. – We can take material things and work a miracle! We know the testimony of our brothers prisoners, when the Lord spoke to them once in prison, “You will take the Supper today”. They were astonished, how can that be? We have no wine, it’s forbidden… There was a small spring there, and He said, “Get some water, and I will turn it into wine”. And so they did, they got some flour, made bread, put water in a mug, lifted it up and prayed, and there was wine – they took the Supper. I heard this story from their lips.

These amazing things happen. We’ve got to believe. We take the matter, and it starts to smile at us and breathe with the breath of God. Because everything is alive on the green planet, and came from one Source – the Father of lights  

And He said to them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.” And they took it.  When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom.  And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!” – This kind of thing had never occurred! Jesus was watching them, because you know, brothers and sisters, new wine is better than the old, always! But those who don’t realize this say the old is better, because they are used to it and they live according to their habit.

New wine is supernatural wine – do you understand? This isn’t the wine that comes after the old, but this is the wine that came by the miracle. This is the wine of the Holy Spirit, this is the wine filled from heaven, it happens inside a miracle.

 This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him”. – This is called manifestation of glory, and there was no radiance on His face. He performed a prophetic parable, that was sealed and unsealed by this action.

Open your eyes, and you will see God in more things. And new wine is already coming, it is already here, I can smell it, and I feel its presence.

New wine brings faith, because “they believed in Him”. It was His first miracle, and oddly enough, He didn’t choose it to be resurrection of a man, or to save from death or help a miserable woman – He turned water into wine!

And Jesus said He would drink new wine in the Kingdom of God. This new wine, which is turned from water and symbolizes teaching, Word poured out, and wine symbolizes the power and glory of the Holy Spirit, and so He turns our works in Him into God’s glory.

I have notices it when you do an action without any special feeling or testimonies, but as a result you see God’s glory. You just cross the line, take risk, do your daily work, but it brings you to glory poured out.

Something may be happening with you here, and this is a message from God, read His language, and it smells new wine here- so let us open our wine skins to receive it! We have new wine already here, after the Lord had given us Holy Spirit, and if we dwell in God’s Kingdom, we may drink this wine already now.

The three bloods are joined with Christ’s blood, and this cup may be your part as well. This is incredible beauty, the mystery of God.