Return of the vessels

Return of the vessels

Harvest has always been and will be. Whatever man sows, he shall reap. There are three key principles of harvest that work always: first, what you saw that you shall reap – if you sow wheat you shall reap wheat; if you sow into righteousness, you shall reap of righteousness; if you sow the wind you shall reap the whirlwind.

Second, where you sow, from there you shall reap. You can’t sow in one field and then go to another one and gather harvest there. Only in righteousness harvest may come from other places because of your actual sowing, but you shall certainly reap from where you have sown. God can multiply His blessing from where you don’t expect, namely because you have sown into the right place.

Third is how much you sow, that much you shall reap, often with a pressed measure, but not less, in any case. When you sow to God, you won’t have less, it will be more.

Therefore, there’s harvest of your personal life, even in your life time, to a certain measure. How and what for you live, the way you walk – you reap from this even in your life time.

There’s also harvest of all your life, at your life end. It is said, “imitate their faith as you watch their outcome”. People may pass away from a disease, but this is what the doctors say, but his days simply have come to an end. A disease may have been a push to the major cause. When Jacob prophesied to his sons, then laid his feet on the bed and passed away, the medical record might have been “a heart attack”, doctors have to give an account of some chronic disease etc. What Jacob had was chronic faith, and he passed away not from a disease, but because he had completed his cause on earth.

Therefore, never look at a man that he died from a disease, be it cancer, stroke, AIDS… Yes, doctors may say so, but you know that God’s breath is in man’s nostrils, so don’t defile his life with a wrong judgment of his death, because thus you are signing a sentence, which won’t be confirmed by the heavens.

One of my beloved brothers and teachers in the Body, Bert Clendennen, who taught the way of the cross in his School of Christ, he fought cancer all his life, even from his youth; three times he had serious battles. Third time was before he passed away, and he wrote a long letter to God’s ministers, urging to a total renewal, repentance and awakening. It is a powerful letter, read it, I could put in one row with the Apostles letters.

Doctors recorded he died of cancer, but it did not defile his death in any way, more over – and I don’t let myself even think that didn’t defeat Satan. He defeated Satan all his life, and he did have the final victory.

Saints leave the earth because God takes them to Him, because He needs them there. So don’t fear death too much, don’t hold on to this life too much, you will be taken up anyway, but rather leap up.

Don’t be satanic heralds, cast of the clothes of organized disbelief – better join with the cloud of witnesses in goodness, mercy and beauty. Do not judge, if you don’t know better keep silent, and don’t repeat foolish things after other people. Look brightly at people, at the world, especially at the saints. Don’t touch the man who has passed away because he may be with the Father, and you are doing the enemy’s work. May the Lord be glorified.

So the final harvest of our life will come, and we must be prepared to transit worthily, be it in sickness bed or on your feet, or from a sudden stroke, or even from an accident like Wilkerson once did. Fast, it seemed an accident, but no, it was a happy end if to look from heaven. The spirit left, saw his body and went up into the light, saying “O, I am not even going to say goodbye”

Don’t fear death, don’t seek it, but do not fear, because Jesus defeated death, its sting. Jesus died so that we don’t fear death. Neither fear to die, better live!

Harvest will be at the judgment, when we finally see the White throne, we all shall see it, it will be the judgment seat for each man in this life. Some will have their seats at the table with Jesus, they are in the Bride. Others will stand before the face of God, Christ and the Bride, and will be judged by his works, not by grace. Not by works, which he did by mistake and sinned, but by works, for which he was not forgiven, by works, which are not washed by Christ’s blood in repentance. He will give account for the points recorded in the book, which are not annulled by the red Blood, and all his works will be weighed on the scales. Jesus said that at this judgment man shall give account for every vain word, it’s not actually for the vain word, but because it was lie, because many times vain words are false words.

Harvest of the church. What have you done for the church? No matter whether you loved it or you didn’t, whether you complained about it – this is a vessel, which you are getting saved on. You may be in the life boat as the big ship is sinking amidst the vast sea and still scold it, complain that things are wrong here and there, that you didn’t get the help you needed… But you are in the boat, not any other place – why do so? May be you could actually help, dip the water out, help a sick person – open your little eyes, this is your boat after all.

And once the Lord will judge all of the church; therefore, love your home where you are now. Jesus teaches to forgive even if you’ve been treated wrongly. Be a good example and demonstrate how one must act, so that others may learn from you, not from your words.

So, the harvest of the church. God shall harvest churches all over the earth. Will they become a part of His Holy Bride of Christ?

Harvest of the world, of nations and countries. It is written that before the Throne there will be people of every nation, tong and tribe – even from the least indigenous tribe and knee with a few dozens of people left – they will stand distinguished in the common flow. And the prophet, Apostle, the man of God saw this flow of multitudes of people that could not be counted, different, of different nations. Many of us don’t like our own bodies or our own nation because of some bulling – all of this will be gone, and you will admire what God will do to you.

And the harvest of the age – when all the times will flow in to one point: from the past from Adam, from after the flood, and from the future, which many of us won’t have entered – everything will come into one point before the face of the Lord, and it will be the harvest of age of all the times and nations. That is going to be a conference! That will be cleansing. That will be great fire, which will illuminate all of Universe, and God will take His own to Himself. And the Bride and the Bridegroom shall become Husband and Wife at the blessing of the Father. And they will submit to the Father, and will become one with the Eternal and Infinite, and it shall be God all in all. And there shall come holy, everlasting and unfailing Shabbat.

We are all walking this road.

I want to be near Christ at this White throne judgment. It doesn’t really matter how I will die here and what will be around, how comfortable my body is. In my head it is the same clearness. Things like loans, jobs, studies must not be that important as to cross the great road to the Eternal throne.

My prayer is that all our ways that come from our fountains – a human heart has fountains, and like a man of God said, “all my fountains are in you” – may be for His sake, and for the sake of all saints that went before me, for the sake of all good and glorious, which is going to be on earth. For the sake of this all I want to be with Christ and God, not because of fear of hell, but because of love to the heavens. I don’t want to be by the doorway in heaven and watch the sinners in hell, as some say, “whatever place, but not hell” – this isn’t love. I don’t want to look at the One I adore, but He wouldn’t notice me. I don’t want to spend eternity, when the One you love neither feels nor needs your love. Wouldn’t that be hell, despair and hopelessness. I want to adore, to love and be loved – this is my greatest demand, the greatest and deepest dream – to merge with the eternal love. Everything else, all the springs shall align in one line, so that it may be a tuned lire, tuned harp, that when you touch the strings – all things that you desire plays as one accord of praise to our Lord, giving glory, the song and this cosmic dance, which will bring joy to the Lord who will receive you in His arms.

So this Harvest festival, which we made ourselves. And we want to always remember where we are going. And this should not scare and stir anything negative – if you have it you haven’t yet comprehended eternity. This simply must be with you along the way – to remember. As Paul said to Timothy as he was leaving, “remember the Lord” Jesus Christ.

And the last,

God’s vessels must be returned from Babylon into God’s house.

Ezra 6:5, a revealed Word: “Also let the gold and silver articles of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took from the temple which is in Jerusalem and brought to Babylon, be restored and taken back to the temple which is in Jerusalem, each to its place; and deposit them in the house of God”

Today we are in Babylon with our bodies. But we are vessels of God, which must be brought back into the House, where it’s their place, in this heavenly Jerusalem, in the heavenly city. And each should take its own place, which is prepared by Christ.

And it is so good to be good, kind, pure. Cleanse your hearts, do not be mean. Cleanse your lips and don’t speak evil of anyone. Cleanse your eyes and look with kindness. And your hands may be filled with good fruit. And may your feet be strong and walk straight paths. May the Lord bless us that my ear may be taken off by the hands of the Lord, the Great Reaper and Sower, and be placed into the sheaf that will go to our Lord