New tools for prophetic ministry

New tools for prophetic ministry

Babylon. The famous gardens of Babylon – everyone knows about them – but the statue of Nebuchadnezzar surpassed the gardens of Babylon. He erected an idol in his honor. I think that the famous Colossus, between whose legs ships passed, is a weak level in comparison with the idol of Nebuchadnezzar. It is written that the Babylonian kingdom is the head of gold. Greece and the entire ancient world were weaker than Babylon. Babylon was the king of all the Gentiles. It was gold. After it – silver, copper, iron and so on. It was simply something. And imagine – God tore it down! He tore it down, because for Him it was blasphemy.

That is why admiring skyscrapers is a low level. We need to be God’s kings – kings and priests who don’t sell for gold, who, as it is written about a people, that they “will count silver as nothing” – they will not depend on mammon.

Hong Kong is mammon – the banking system, the economy and everything else. It is a phenomenon.

I was in Germany, Berlin, at the Babylonian Gate exhibition. Imagine that it was an empire, for them the gates were very important. The Babylonian Gates weren’t just gates, it was a corridor, a very long one, in which there were traps, that is, one could fall, fall into a pit, if someone decided so; one entered these gates, and it was not a fact that he would come out alive. That is, the gates were a whole quest.

We read many places in the Word that God will destroy Babylon. He speaks of the city of Babylon literally, He speaks of the phenomenon “Babylon” and also of the man “Babylon”, who had this word incarnate in himself – this is Nebuchadnezzar, that is, he was Babylon, he carried Babylon within himself.

We see the same phenomenon in Tyre: Lucifer manifested himself in the king of Tyre. God says: “You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you;

You were on the holy mountain of God; you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created,

Till iniquity was found in you. “By the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within, and you sinned; therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God; and I destroyed you, o covering cherub, from the midst of the fiery stones.” (Ezekiel 28:14-16).

He is no longer speaking to a man, but to the one in the human body of the king of Tyre.

And Nebuchadnezzar himself was an instrument of wrath. God spoke to him, saying, “you were My instrument of execution for Israel and the nations, but you became proud.” The Lord made him eat grass.

These principles are not just of a private case. There is such a type of prophetic ministry, if we talk about solid food, when man can interpret phenomena that occur in the present, using the past. One may know a lot of information, and he has distributed it on his shelves inside himself. This is interesting. But the feeling is that in order to interpret high-level prophecies, other tools are required. You can have a very good set for dentistry, but you will not do anything with it in agriculture. There should be completely different categories there.

We need these categories today, we need new tools for interpretation. And I think that – first of all, we need to look in the Bible.

Today I feel where it lies. God once said that you are blessed not because I am with you, but because you see with your own eyes now what you see. That is, what is happening now in the causal areas, you will later see in the effect. That is, you are in the area of ​​the cause before it happens the future, therefore, you are blessed.

Here is the key – to enter into the causes, and they are in the Scripture. That is why it is the core. The splitting of the nucleus brings incredible energy, it is a “nuclear bomb”, not atomic, but nuclear. This is impact energy. This is the most terrible energy. I think that the Bible, the Scripture is the nucleus, and it reveals causal things.

There are four different natures – Egypt, Babylon, Sodom and Jerusalem. We see that Jerusalem is not even called by its name, its holy name is not pronounced, – but it is called “Sodom and Egypt”. That is, these two systems merged in Jerusalem. He calls it not by name, because He talks not about culture, – He talks about ideologies, about causal things, He talks about deeper principles – religious ones.

Egyptian principles are the pharaoh, the clan of priests and slaves. There is no middle link, no middle class. There are priests and slaves. That is, people don’t belong to themselves. The pharaoh is a “god”, a clan of priests and slaves. Due to this, he was powerful, because slaves bring in income tens of times more, they don’t have anything of their own – they work for the master. They have no property, it all belongs to the clan of priests and the pharaoh.

This is one system. These are imperial, authoritarian systems. Even, perhaps, not totalitarian, but authoritarian, where the regime is set on the individual.

And Sodom, where there is no morality, unlike Egypt, where there was religion, it’s like a religion with its own morality.  We may call Egypt immorality from the point of view of the Christian God, but from their point of view, it is still a religion, because the pharaoh is a “god”. Therefore, it looks more like religion than politics.

Sodom is precisely immorality, where there are no moral values. In the Sodom system, everything is sold for money. The king of Sodom immediately asked to give people to him, because everything is in man – all the riches. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s gold and precious metals inside him, if to “shake” him well. That is, man in himself is a value, he is not a dollar bill.

I think that these two institutions have joined in Israel, therefore it is “spiritually called Sodom and Egypt” (Revelation 11:8).

It is the Scriptures that will be key to obtaining such tools that will allow us to predict the future of the earth and nations.

Scriptures. When I dive in there, I draw an inexhaustible source of grace, it is the Scriptures where the pillars stand – the interpretation of everything that happens on the planet. It is all there.

And we perceive the Bible wrong. We perceive it as morality, or as instructions for life, or as encouragement, or consolation, but we don’t perceive it as a textbook on prophesying events, interpreting everything. We need a change in thinking on this topic.

I think that such prophets should arise, who will not be ashamed to take from the Bible – because some prophets are ashamed – they want to be “extravagant” without touching the Bible. Without touching the Bible they try to be spectacular, they don’t need the Bible to interpret, because they themselves are “nuggets” as prophets. I saw such a type.

And these people won’t be ashamed of the Scriptures, the Scriptures not as the letter as we take the Scriptures today – this is not interesting, as if to look at it through a table – as if you knew the multiplication table by heart and take on higher mathematics. You need to know logarithms, the equations of higher mathematics, you will not be able to solve questions of higher mathematics with the multiplication table. And these prophecies are higher mathematics.

Therefore, there are much deeper tools than the modern church has achieved today.

Serving the church – consoling the people so that they don’t fade away, don’t quarrel, so that they don’t leave the meeting in a bad mood – this is kindergarten, of course. The Lord entrusted the Church to be the Bride of Christ, the King of kings, the God of gods and the Lord of lords. And He entrusted her with such a role – to lead. Like Esther, who could enrich Ahasuerus – that is, she made him twice as strong.

I think that her role, as scary as it may sound – but imagine that this is the status of the Church – the Bride of Christ – not just an assistant who helps Christ in everything, like a servant who serves His desires – this is the role of a noble lady, and John already calls her a chosen lady. She will not be such by status, but by her nature, which will enrich Christ, increase His glory.

And this happens only through the knowledge of God. Through the knowledge of God and high loyalty to the Kingdom. Therefore, until we receive knowledge of God, we will remain infants.

Today it is a big problem that the Church “messes around” precisely in community, in a community structure, when it is “only for each other”: serving, living together, working together, helping each other with good. And Paul said that yes, whoever of you is at this level, then think as God reveals to you, but there are things that “we preach among the perfect.” Paul had this wisdom.

Apostles had all the knowledge. Apostles knew everything that would happen to the earth. They spoke of how the second coming would arrive, how the rapture would happen, they spoke of what would happen to the nations, to the Church, they spoke of how the spirit of the times would change, they used terms such as: “Now the Spirit speaks expressly… that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5). – That is, the Spirit spoke clearly to the apostles – do you understand what kind of knowledge there was in the Church?!

Today the Church is so in its infancy that it is tied up in community institutions. We are fighting to have a mega-church. Ridiculous! It is ridiculous! You have a thousand more people, but this does not mean that you are closer to God, it means absolutely nothing, it is a social institution, social work – you are simply more insightful in the administrative gift, but it has nothing in common with God. This pursuit of luxurious buildings, who has more money, who has more missionary stations – this is such a mundane topic compared to who are the sons of God! Who are the sons of God! It is incredible! This is a completely different world – this is the world of the Cherubim, this is the world of the “God-seekers”, this is the world of the Sons of God, who were already there, at the circle of the earth, when God created the Universe, and they rejoiced, exclaimed with joy, participating in being a host of praise, they held and saw everything, they knew it all!

The Lord says to Job: “You were there, you know all this!” Do you understand?! But it’s as if we forgot something – the most important thing, and we cannot, by prophetic efforts, return it again and enrich ourselves with it.

Do you realize how weak and atrophied our human spirit is? Namely the human spirit, not the prophetic one. Because the strength of the human spirit lies in the knowledge of God, and not only in the working of miracles, spectacular healings, movement of objects, levitation – this is nonsense for effect. Like fakirs – today they have turned the Church into “fakir meetings”: “somewhere someone’s knee hurts, someone’s ear is being healed…” Well, heal it quietly – and that’s it! If you walk in the power of the Son of God, then you don’t have to say anything, he will be healed, simply because he was present with you in one place, without any words. That’s all. Just be with Jesus, and you will be healed. And all this comes from faith – when a person even says: “Don’t go there, You are the Lord, why would You need to go? Say a word here and that’s it. You are the Lord!” He says: “Oh! Who said it? You? I haven’t found such faith even in Israel! Go, your servant is healed! You said it right.” That is, I don’t need to go back and forth, I don’t need to touch you, I don’t need to speak to you. That’s it, you are healthy! And not when the Lord said: “Go, he is healthy!” But when the other one spoke, when he believed, then the servant was healed.

But we do such things in a very primitive way. The Church today needs such a movement. This is prophetic ministry. Knowledge of God! Not a fakir who says: “Look, this and that will happen to you” – this is understandable, everything is clear to you, the Lord revealed it to you or an Angel said it – this is a primitive level. This is normal.

But when you have the knowledge! Christ walked and had the knowledge. They said to Him: “How is it?” “When will it be?” And He answered those questions. And sometimes He would say: “I don’t know this, the Father knows! I don’t need this!”

We must be drawn to the knowledge of God, to know God, to do His works on earth, to walk with Him, to live with Him. This is so interesting, it is so exciting, it is so sweet and high compared to our simply “steaming” in community life, in society, and simply moralizing and psychologizing each other with consolations, or somehow serving each other, and so on.

Today this belongs to prophetic teachers, prophets, Apostles, pastors – to take people up to Christ.

How can there be divisions in such a community, if it’s a quality knowledge?  Well, how can there be divisions in it, when such glory of Christ shines?!

People won’t have time for this – not time to envy, argue with each other! In communities where there are divisions, disputes, vanity and envy – these are communities of a very low level of knowledge. They don’t look at Christ, and they lead people in the wrong direction. Therefore, rise up, lift up your faces, lift up your eyes to heaven and simply contemplate Him. This will be wisdom, because it is precisely by tearing our gaze from Him and looking down at the earth – from this comes all the troubles, because it is dust, and there is nothing but dust!

And of course, we will blossom. A person who blossoms rises higher. In the New Testament, the Lord doesn’t moralize the commandments. Paul reminds us of this: “Doesn’t the nature itself teach you … don’t do as the Gentiles do, it is not even to be mentioned among the saints, you should not even speak about it …” And preachers teach this, they preach this low level! Do you understand? He says: “You yourselves have been taught by God to love one another, and chastity abides in you.”

Look, we don’t speak about chastity in the church, but it abides – we have the spirit of chastity on our sisters and brothers. But we don’t frighten, we don’t scare, we don’t hold, we don’t torment people in order for them not to become fornicators. Because the indwelling Spirit Himself gives this by default.

And many things come by default – such as morality or unity, or good works, or knowledge of God. This is a high spirit.

What am I saying? It is the tools for receiving knowledge about the planet, the planetary level, about our time and the spirit of the time – that are in the Scripture. Not in the dead letter – this is how we interpret it now, we use it as a spell. What are we doing with this book?! It is terrible! Because it is not a book – it is the living Word. It is not something like – “look, this and that happened to David, look what he did to Bathsheba” – these are principles, laws of the Spirit, these are the paths of the Spirit, how the Spirit moves, how we must understand God, these are not events – how he defeated Goliath, and now we imagine how brave he is… This is not actually the point. But it is about faith – that you can move “Goliaths” – mountains! Do you understand?! It is all about the quality of faith. We must look at different thing. But we want to understand what size shoe Jesus had… and various other things like: what He looked like – preachers start fantasizing about this topic, and they “get carried away”. That is, it is even sacrilege.

Therefore, these tools are precisely in the living Word, in the living Word of the truth.

The Apocalypse is an incredibly untouched book. It is completely untouched. They only “scratched the paint” on top – because it has not been opened at all. For me, the Apocalypse is what is happening now – all the chapters are working in me at the same time. It is not that the events will follow one after another chronologically, because, in that regard what has already happened to Moses and David is no longer relevant to me. This cannot be, because all this is alive, God was moving there. And God is not in the past tense. God is now! Why does God’s name sound like “I am Who I am”? Not “will be”, but “am”! Because God is now. At this moment in time He is God.

That is why we must consider the Bible in this way. But not even the Bible. It is not the Bible, because when we say the word “Bible”, we mean a book. And the Word is not a book!

One day the Angel said to Daniel: “I will reveal to you what is said in the true Scripture. And how could he reveal to him in the true Scripture, if there was no New Testament yet?! But he said so. And it is written in Revelation that “other books were opened, and another book – the book of life.” Whoever was not written in this book – that means His chosen children must be found written – he must be rejected.

That is what we are talking about. That is what the Word is, not just a book. We read and quote the Scripture like a spell, and there is no power in this. We all know that it does not work. People cannot heal, they cannot raise the dead, they cannot boast that God hears at least half of their prayers, if we are honest. If He would answer at least half of the prayers.

What is wrong with us? Because we misunderstand the Word – the Eternal Word that abides. And the Word is God. This is how the Word should be approached – as God, not as a book. But we read it like letters, like texts. We must free ourselves. This is a curse on the Church. We must free ourselves from this thinking, it has eaten into us like a cancer, it is hard. Even tomorrow you will touch the Scriptures again and fall into this trap again. Because you need to have tension, and strength is needed – to see the eternal Word. This is also strength.

I call knowledge of God one of the bright manifestations of God’s power. Because for man to always know God requires the power of the Spirit. David says: “I saw the Lord always before me, therefore I will not be shaken.” That is, “that is why I am strong – name

ly strong, because I always see Him.” He said, “… I behold Your face early in the morning.” And so on.

Cain went and built a city, he also invented musical instruments. He impressed with his talent. Then they made Babylon.

And what do you think Sodom was like? I see in the Spirit what the design of Sodom was. It was an amazing city! Do you think that modern designers know anything better? No! There were hallucinogens back then too, they used them – mushrooms and roots. I imagine how the Angels walked down the street and saw brothels where harlots were painted – so that people would understand. All people came from Adam, all have the same intellect, and even better than us today, because we live less. Even stronger was their insight, intuition and intellect. They were even better designers than you and me.

But these civilizations perished, they were destroyed by God. Tyre was destroyed, Babylon was destroyed, Egypt was destroyed.

And so you walk down the street – there’s a harlot on a house, an advertisement of amazing quality – just like a living one – maybe made of clay, but just like a living one. You go further – there’s sodomy… But not only that. There were good things too – there were banks, maybe they changed money. It was all Sodom, a kingdom, and a king was there. We paint him as a homosexual monster. No, things were normal, like what we have today. Perhaps there was cavalry, people walked in luxury, clean, not dirty and smelly. Don’t think that all this was a long time ago and therefore of a low level. No! It was Darwin’s theory that made us think this way about the past. No! Adam was perfect. Try living nine hundred years now using our science to preserve your nervous system, your teeth, to avoid cancer, to avoid diabetes – try to survive with such climate and conditions. This is the deepest inner peace, this is harmony – the rhythm of the heart with the rhythm of life. Do you understand? He walked in such a way so that he  lives long. He didn’t cross the line of harmony: he spoke at a certain speed, he sang, ate non-poisonous food. These are all people.

I think that Sodom was similar, perhaps, to some beautiful city on the planet. And it was chic and beautiful – with palm trees, lakes and so on. Why did you decide that it was like a garbage dump, where devils crawl and bite passers-by on the legs? Of course not. But the Lord shook it all.

He speaks to Nineveh He speaks that the gates of the rivers are open and the palace is dissolved. How did they take the city, how did they take Babylon? – Through the water. It is a subtle topic: kinds of Trojan horses were used. That is, it was the highest intellect, you understand? We have a wrong understanding of history in general, based on Darwin, on atheism, on Platonism. These philosophers, many of whom were sent by the devil, many of them were homosexuals – they developed philosophical ideas so that we would shift our understanding of the planet, our understanding of history. We were deceived. We must return entirely to God, to the Word and fully believe in the Word!

Darwin’s theory “leaks through” in us – for example, to think that before the world was primitive. Where did you get that? We read from the first chapters of Genesis that it was perfect. They built a tower to the heavens. And I think it was higher than the Hong Kong skyscraper. Do you understand? “To the heavens”! Where did they get the technology?! Today they are surprised how the ancients built structures, where they got such technologies, like in Cambodia or Latin America. Where did they drag such stones from? Well, they could! But we can’t! Man! That is all about man! He has always been like this since his fall.

If you were thrown into the jungle now, what would you be able to do? Give me fifteen years and I will make a city – without computers, without tools. You will come to my city and be happy, because it will be very cozy and comfortable. Just, maybe, without Edison’s light bulb, but there will be light, we will invent it, it will be light.

That is, man is always like this, whether he is ancient or modern. And even more so, the Lord says: “Look at the ancients and learn from them.” We have lost something. There is something we should learn from them. And this is not morality. Morality can be maintained even now. But this is not enough.

That is why they distorted history, deceived us. They invent fallen civilizations invent Atlántida. You understand.

The truth must rise today. We must believe in God with all our hearts. We don’t believe yet. These are such interesting things! I think that the Church today must achieve this vision, take on such tasks in order to interpret the modern world, interpret events.

And what are we doing? – Moralizing and communal squabbles – not enough money, some sister offended you, a brother looked at you the wrong way, the pastor doesn’t love you. Why did the Lord give the Spirit? So that we would be drawn to God, so that we would become birds and not rodents.

This call, this craving – open up these visors, raise them up and let it draw you, let the craving begin to work, let the heavenly magnet pull in our spirits. Through the mind, reason, through fears – let the craving begin.

Stretch out to Him! We will receive answers later. But for now, a craving for the heavenly is needed – so that we discern the earthly and move away from it. We will be engaged in the earth, may it bless us, but it will be in harmony.

Look, it is said that the black horses will give My Spirit rest in the north country.” This means that these horses will play a role in giving rest to the Spirit of the One who was over this land. The seven Spirits of God are spread throughout the earth. One of the Spirits will be given rest in the northern land. How? This means that when He is restless, there is no harmony with creation. And who is between the restless Spirit and the land? – Man. He is restless because of people. Not because of animals and not because of the glacier. Because of man. When certain events connected with the horses occur – some epochal actions – then harmony will come, and the Spirit will be given rest by the earth.

 Man will be the conductor of the Kingdom, as Jesus said: “That Your Kingdom may be on earth as it is in heaven.” Through man, harmony of the heavenly and the earthly will come. And man will be – the last Adam – will bring this harmony. And this means that now there is no harmony.

 The earth demonstrates signs of a curse. If it rains, it deprives people of housing or kills them, if it fires, it kills houses and people. That is, the elements that burst  out with judgments. This means that the earth has gone crazy. It is written that “the earth staggers like a drunk.” It has no desire for this, but it does these things like a drunk. It shakes with spasms, convulsions beat. If we saw now how hell is activated, we would understand that hell is now working in the seventh sweat against humanity, against God through man – continues to do this – holds a slave hostage, who is intoxicated with lust and passion – he is his servant, serves Satan to destroy creation – species of certain animals completely disappear. How is that? Is this the way it has to be?

Now the Church must become a conductor of God’s Kingdom – through her knowing God, and not engaging in moralizing and communal life – everyday things, of low character. The church will begin to worship not just to sing songs, not only to contemplate beauty, but will begin to live with God – God will live in the Church. He says: “I will dwell in them and walk in them” – He will heal this land as He walks in them.

This is our mission. We must give rest to the Spirit in the land. I don’t know what kind of horses these are, but it means that we must saddle this horse, we must cooperate with this horse, which will bring these phenomena, and we will also learn not only good things, like the Christmas Christ with a smiling sheep. But we will learn all things: Christ could drive with a whip, and walk on water, He could feed, and speak consolation, He could speak the truth to kings and ordinary people, and spend the night with the homeless – He could do everything! He was the Son of God in every place! The King! The King of Life!

The Church doesn’t know how to do this. It must always be “kind”, give good mood, gifts for Christmas – where did you get that?! Then we become such Christians of the communal type, another social institution, instead of being sons of God. Do you understand?

Individually and together, we will walk in this status of kings and priests. And the priest is always a mediator between God and people, uneducated, illiterate.

He teaches how to make a sacrifice so that God accepts it. That is the role of the priest. Because he knows God.