Wide open spirit spirit in a fierce prophet

Wide open spirit spirit in a fierce prophet

Worship by labor, not in labor. It’s not that you do some work and worship by singing at the same time. Worship by labor is when you live and whatever you do you are always connected, and all that you do you give to God. Not only you let Him into all the spheres of your life, but what you make you give to God. This way it sanctifies our life to the depth. In all the fullness it makes our life hole not according to the works, but according to the nature.

Let’s say I have two sheep in the Old Testament. One I have for myself, the other I give to God as an offering. The second sheep is holy, because it’s given to God. But if I’ve given myself, then both of these sheep are holy, no matter what I do with them. This is worship by labor. It takes us to worship by life. And such worshipers the Father seeks for Himself, they let Christ in whatever they do and put Him on the throne. “Whatever you do, do it as for the Lord”, in other words, worship by this. If you understand this your life will raise its quality. You will feel more presence of the Lord in your life. You won’t go to church, but you will be the church that goes in all places.

Worship not in life, but by life. And you become a gift, you transit into the status of a gift, not just a man who has gifts. If I come to visit you, I will come as a gift, because all that I do there I will give to God. You walk not as one having gifts that manifest brighter or dimmer at times, but as a wholesome gift.

We spoke about the spirit of Creator. It’s not about you become a creative person, but get clothed in the spirit of Creator, which is not about poems or songs, but about changing mentality and changing clothes.


Many people suffered from blindness, which was connected with their spiritual condition – they needed healing. The man of God had the understanding and was able to discern, and taught this other brothers and sisters. Some started bringing people to him, others came themselves. The man of God spoke with them first and then made the action. All that was beautiful as the healing of the eye transformed the whole person and all around him. So did other brothers and sisters.

We must heal our eyes today with the eyesalve. It is not only revelation, but also change of mentality. What kind of lamp stand is inside, the manner it burns, so will the eyes communicate. The way you understand the world, the way you understand the gospel, the way you understand God – the same spirit you will carry. You can’t play a role for long. It takes a couple days of staying around you and it will be clear whether you are a person of light or you are not.

Some people have such a manner of communication that you don’t see they have tenderness and kindness, you don’t feel light in them, because they complain and grumble. Many people, even young ones are always displeased and complain, how can they see clearly? All they see and all they do is dim. But the question is how much light is inside you, not how much you know? How much a man of light are you? It is written there was light in John the Baptist, but he wasn’t the light. Jesus came and He was the light. And the Lord God is the light of life, the light of men. In Him was life and life was the light of men. And this light must shine through us.

After Christ died on Calvary, rose again and gave us the Holy Spirit, we became the light. He said “You are the light”. Therefore, watch your spirit, what kind of spirit you walk in, whether it brings fragrance or smoke. Renew your spirit. Receive God’s spirit afresh. Receive new spirit afresh. There’s daily renewal when you wake up and shake off the tiredness of yesterday. You get up and think, this is so good that this morning is here with me – thus you make your day. Or you destroy it with your words and attitudes. Or you raise the glory.

“In Your light we see light”, he says, and on waking he is satisfied with a vision of Him. Watch, behold Christ, gain new habits to greet the Lord, to give Him word praise.

You know, with the years, if a man is not watching himself, he is drawn to the ground. But a heavenly person walks in the spirit, in the spirit of young Christ. No one has seen an old Christ, because you can’t. Christ is forever young. No one has seen a dried out Christ whom you have to lead by his arm, because you can’t. He is mighty, He is strong and glorious!

Therefore, heal your eyes! The eyes are healed by hope. Fill your faith with hope. In the physical world you can’t have a jar full of water and pour in wine – it will mix and spill. But if your spiritual vessel id full of faith and you add hope and love it never spills, but it becomes strong and you become a stone.

Before the throne in heaven is the sea of glass, there are now waves – the sea of God’s grace. Today the church lacks hope.


“A dark cloud which seemed endless and brought chaos and horror – looks like our life today”. But behind this dark cloud was a clearance, which couldn’t be seen. Because of it many people fled, moved by fear and horror inside them. Some time passed and there appeared God’s angels, who with their fiery swards cut the darkness, and bright light crossed through all this pushing the darkness aside. And it became so light as never before”.

Today I say that our faith, God’s faith is a faith of hope. And I state this, that the eyes must be healed with hope, as never before! Today many churches are weary of negative things. Churches that have lost hope can’t see anymore, their eyes are blind, they live by today, by their instincts and reflexes.

The revelation says that because of the dark cloud and that they couldn’t see the light, many fled from the front, quit their service. But the angels of God cut through this darkness.


I said before that the antichrist will be a person genderly satisfying all – homosexuals, lesbians etc, all these offended minorities will glorify him. He will be the king of Sodom and Egypt. If anyone is to see him or watch his appearance, remember these words – he will genderly satisfy all and will be a homosexual. When you see a leader of homosexuals who promotes ideas, look into his eyes and you will see antichrist, city mayors and higher officials – it is already a sign.

Today we spoke prophetically about young people whom our young people serve, that they have these gender shifts. And why do girls want to become boys? The whole matter is in love, this is not Freud, it’s not about sexual attraction, which is characteristic for all kinds of animal world, which is attraction and cause for multiplying. God gave this to man, but there’s nothing mystically cosmic about that, this is not about prophecy or poetry, this is natural, this is a need.

But true love is the true need of man. All seek love, all! And the girls that want to become boys – they are not chosen. Woman is made so that she has to be chosen. When she is not chosen, she thinks deep inside that having changes roles she will find love. And the boys seek to give their love. Both to give and receive love is a major demand of the soul, like to drink, eat and breath are major demands of the body.

Therefore, when we have no word for them, we can’t give them a voice, they hear words, but they don’t hear the voice. Imagine what the words without the voice are – they are not. And the greatest problem of the church today is that there are words, but there’s no voice. And the voice is the prophetic spirit. And every man needs prophecy. I am giving this prophecy now. You’ve got to catch this, because we are the carriers, the witnesses and proclaimers of this love.

Preach to homosexuals about true love, and you will hear that their hearts will kindle. Shift from the sexuality platform to spiritual love. And they will hear the voice. Take this.


Hope steps forth as the anchor. We cast it behind the curtain and take a firm hold. When a ship has to take its anchorage, they cast an anchor, which is to hold the ship in place, it is very heavy, very dangerous, people got killed while casting an anchor; it must also have a free way so that the ship has space to move.

But the Lord speaks of hope as of a safe anchor. He casts it behind the curtain of eternity and fixes it with the love of Christ. Then our ship of faith is not shipwrecked.

Therefore, churches should clothe in hope today! Everything will change! We must believe this! When we don’t believe that everything will change, we look at the problem and think that’s a sentence. We look at a man and think that’s a sentence. Never look this way at anything! Leave grace to hope. And a dangerous anchor is one that holds the ship tense, but a safe anchor is one under grace.

“I relied on you, but you failed me – farewell!” – That’s a dangerous anchor. But a safe one is seventy times seven a day.

“we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us.  This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters into the very inside behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, having become High Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek”. (Heb.6:18-20)

Remember that hope is an anchor. Hope on God that He will fulfill His good intention over our nations and over our people in church, and over me and you, and will grant us to see new thing, which we haven’t seen before.


I also want to share on what we have written from the word and this depiction of the dragon and how the Angel is striking him with the keys.

“The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war”. (Isaiah 42: 13)

I already share my dream that I saw in the beginning of the year, where I had a big metal sheet in my hands and the dragon was before me. It was amazing, I could handle that metal sheet like in the martial arts – I was destroying the dragon with this metal sheet hitting him different ways and directions. The dragon was hopeless, the was no harm for me in the matter. And in the second part of the dream I was following him through some bushed, and he was moving a head like a captive and wounded. You may say, “that you should imagine such a thing!”

And why not? What did the Lord say? “I have given you authority to trample down ALL the enemy’s forces.” That was something new for me, and then I learn that this year was the year of the dragon.

I believe that today we need first to receive, adopt, shift to a new life nature and then release, and you can’t but release it if you are soaked and filled – and this is new revelation of God. Because He makes all things new. Not that He should change Himself, the Lord is perfect. But He empowers His creation with Himself, He fills with Himself, and through that He makes things new, because He is perfect. God has not need to change, grow or get wiser, no need for experience – everything has been completed, and He has entered rest from His works, in regard to us, to earthly creation.

I admire God – how can He have created a Universe out of nothing! He took the first grains of dust, spoke this and that, spoke light and there became light – this is very good!

We need new revelation of God, to get empowered. Don’t stay in one place in the knowledge, grow! And this increases only with the grace, because we grow in grace as we come to know deeper our Lord Jesus Christ. As we know Him we change ourselves.

So, “The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man” – from where shall He go forth? From where in your mind He sits. Please, let the Lord go! Let Him go forth out of your wonderful heart, out of your marvelous world of a Christian who never misses a church meeting.

The Lord will manifest as a mighty man. He will come as a great warrior. He shall stir up the zeal, and zeal will arise in people, they will say, “finally!”

“He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud; He shall prevail against His enemies”. He shall demonstrate His power over His enemies by defeating them.

“I have held My peace a long time, I have been still and restrained Myself. Now I will cry like a woman in labor – the Lord shall give birth in labor! He will birth His people –  I will pant and gasp at once. I will lay waste the mountains and hills, and dry up all their vegetation; I will make the rivers coastlands, and I will dry up the pools”. (Isaiah 42:14-15)

These are the judgments of the crying God. There was a time of silence. And today with all the things happening, even globally, we may think that the Lord is silent. Here and there at time a rain of justice falls, but on the big scale God is silent. But the times of silence will pass, and will come times to “pant and gasp, lay waste and dry up”.

And then He says “Behold, I make all things new”.

“I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known”. – these are new ways for God’s people, unknown ways, not only to us, but to anyone; He gives that to us and says “I Myself will lead them”.

“I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight”. – Where there’s darkness it will become light. Not that He will bring light into darkness, but He will make the darkness light. It means all the puzzles will come together for you, why things happened that way, and the light shall be revealed. And where you thought it was the devil, it was God, and light shall be revealed. And the crooked places where you thought you sinned – you have to rise high and look from there – where have you found a crooked place? It was all I, and everything is straight and even! What have you made it in your mind?

Therefore, wash your eyes with hope! As the revelation spoke, the man of God is calling to heal the eye, and we need to clothe in hope. What am I doing here if I don’t give you hope, if I don’t bathe you in this hope?

And I want to release this, that for all these things we need a wide open spirit, a fierce spirit. Whatever good, powerful, big things I had happen with God, it was done in a fierce spirit, when you thrust yourself fiercely, and it works.

I like this fierce young man who received an assignment from Elisha for Jehu – he is even called there “fierce”. It was a difficult assignment, which was possible to fulfill only in a fierce spirit, when you move as if in a trance, supernaturally, unnoticed by the enemy, walking on water, rushing on trains or airplanes, doesn’t matter – he is pursuing forward after his prey. This is what it means to go forth like a mighty man and give a shout of war, cry like a woman in labor – wide open fierce spirit. Many don’t know what it is.

Begin with prayer, begin with prophecy, what it means to live with a wide open spirit. A fierce spirit, a fierce prophet. A fierce Elisha imparted this fierce spirit to the young man. Elisha was fierce, he raised the dead. Where did this fierce disciple come from? From the impartation of the fierce spirit.

“So the young man, the servant of the prophet, went to Ramoth Gilead. And when he arrived, there were the captains of the army sitting; and he said, “I have a message for you, Commander.” Jehu said, “For which one of us?” And he said, “For you, Commander.”  Then he arose and went into the house. And he poured the oil on his head, and said to him, “Thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘I have anointed you king over the people of the Lord, over Israel. You shall strike down the house of Ahab your master, that I may avenge the blood of My servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the Lord, at the hand of Jezebel. –The young man was filled with the prophecy, it came not from the head, but from the spirt. And Jehu stood and received the prophecy. – For the whole house of Ahab shall perish; and I will cut off from Ahab all the males in Israel, both bond and free. So I will make the house of Ahab like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah. The dogs shall eat Jezebel on the plot of ground at Jezreel, and there shall be none to bury her.’ ” And he opened the door and fled”. (2Kings 9:4-10) –

Everything done the way the prophet said – so strange! Somehow not Christian way, not accustomed in our church! Is this the Old Testament? – No, God’s Spirit, the very same. You’ve got to keep the same spirit!

“Then Jehu came out to the servants of his master, and one said to him, “Is all well? Why did this madman come to you?”And he said to them, “You know the man and his babble.” And they said, “A lie! Tell us now.”

So he said, “Thus and thus he spoke to me, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord: “I have anointed you king over Israel.” Then each man hastened to take his garment and put it under him on the top of the steps; and they blew trumpets, saying, “Jehu is king!..

Now a watchman stood on the tower in Jezreel, and he saw the company of Jehu as he came, and said, “I see a company of men.”

And Joram said, “Get a horseman and send him to meet them, and let him say, ‘Is it peace?’ ” So the horseman went to meet him, and said, “Thus says the king: ‘Is it peace?’ ” And Jehu said, “What have you to do with peace? Turn around and follow me.”

So the watchman reported, saying, “The messenger went to them, but is not coming back.”  Then he sent out a second horseman who came to them, and said, “Thus says the king: ‘Is it peace?’ ” And Jehu answered, “What have you to do with peace? Turn around and follow me.”  So the watchman reported, saying, “He went up to them and is not coming back; and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi, for he drives furiousl”

Furious driving, furious pace! How could one recognize Jehu not by his look, but by his pace and driving? – This is the spirit inside! Everybody knew Jehu was coming.

Lord, give us this dimension today! Hit us through with your shout to the innermost of our souls!

Elijah imparted to Elisha this spirit of a fierce prophet, Elisha imparted it to the fierce disciple, and the disciple imparted it to Jehu.

 Then Joram turned around and fled, and said to Ahaziah, “Treachery, Ahaziah!” Now Jehu drew his bow with full strength and shot Jehoram between his arms; and the arrow came out at his heart, and he sank down in his chariot. Then Jehu said to Bidkar his captain, “Pick him up, and throw him into the tract of the field of Naboth the Jezreelite; for remember, when you and I were riding together behind Ahab his father, that the Lord laid this burden upon him: ‘Surely I saw yesterday the blood of Naboth and the blood of his sons,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will repay you in this plot,’ says the Lord. Now therefore, take and throw him on the plot of ground, according to the word of the Lord.”

Jehu heard the prophecy of Elijah! He knew Elijah. The Spirit doesn’t come upon random people. This is impartation in progress, succession in progress. Even the pace he accepted because he saw the way Elijah walked.

The prophecy is fulfilled. Jehu was also fierce. Only incredibly courageous people can do such assignments.

How about Stephen? Fierce Stephen. “Everyone sitting in the Sanhedrin stared at Stephen and saw his face like the face of an Angel”

“I see heaven opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” At this they began yelling at the top of their voices, so that they wouldn’t have to hear him; and with one accord they rushed at him, threw him outside the city and began stoning him…Then he kneeled down and shouted out, “Lord! Don’t hold this sin against them!” With that he died” (Acts 6,7). 

He preached in a fierce spirit. Noah built the ark fiercely. Abraham gave the tithe to Melchizedek, a man he didn’t know, fiercely. David defeated Goliath fiercely, who was bigger than him. All God’s prophets lay under saws fiercely. Fierce Apostles went to fiercely preach all over the earth. Fierce witnesses from the cloud, God’s missionaries moved fiercely in history. Jesus with the bleeding heart fiercely served God the Father.

How about you? How do you serve? Programming, planning things, reasoning everything with your mind? So that everything is safe and predictable? So that there’s no risk and you call it wisdom that has no faith?

Today I want to pray for these:

1.   Wide open spirit, so that we live with a wide open spirit for God and our neighbor

2.   Brave heart, that the hearts of God’s people be brave, not fearsome.

3.   Open face, not hidden – as we with unveiled face behold God’s glory

4.   Strong hands and fingers that they know the battle. It’s no good when a man has week hands

5.   Quick legs. We must have legs like gazelle’s, legs and feet of faith, to leap over the mountains

6.   Sharp and fresh spirit of the mind, for the progressive mind and advanced thinking. This is so good, when believers rise, whose God is strong, not weak! Not an offended God, but who always has the last word!