A word to the strong and the weak. Which one are you?
“Now the angel who talked with me came back and wakened me, as a man who is wakened out of his sleep”. (Zach.4:1)
Today I woke up early to be with the Lord, and suddenly I hear a knock at the door. You can say a lot by the way someone knocks: so weak that you hardly discern, insistent or meek. This one was interesting. I thought, how does the Lord knock at our heart? I don’t think it as soft as a kitten, “I am Jesus, perhaps we can be friends?” It is neither like the devil’s knock that hits through the door, the lock distorted and the door deformed. If God kicked at our door it would be no more.
What is the way Jesus knock at our door? Interesting how we can hear His voice by his knock? Did you ever think of that? I keep thinking of this knock – it was various in strength and tone, as if it were a piece of a symphony spoken in rhythm. When was it last time the Lord knocked at your door. If He knocks, what does He want to say? Why is it namely a knock, not a push or a kick?
I am happy that the Lord knocked to me today. I really heard it, I rose up opened the door and saw there was no one. It rose me up and I didn’t go back to bed, being certain it was a 1oo% knock.
How would you knock if you knocked to a certain person? If he is respected and higher than you, it would be a certain way you knock, you would watch that your knock doesn’t speak bad of you. When you come to a person you don’t respect or you are mad at him, your knock would be very different. You are very persuading, not rude though. Well, this is a symphony. You can have a doctor’s degree with the knock – how man perceives sounds, what he does with beats. Everything makes beats and rhythms in the Universe. Even light pulsates, it comes in waves, flickering light.
It’s been only a few times in my life, though I’ve been a believer for many years, that the Lord woke me with knocking, and every time it was different. It is all the world sacred for man.
“Now the angel who talked with me came back and wakened me, as a man who is wakened out of his sleep. And he said to me, “What do you see?” So I said, “I am looking, and there is a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it, and on the stand seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps. Two olive trees are by it, one at the right of the bowl and the other at its left.” – The accuracy of vision. The Lord woke him up, showed him a vision, and the prophet says exactly what he sees. This is also very important, this speaks of the maturity of the vision, when we communicate what we see with much accuracy, so that one who reads it could understand it easily. Some people say so that you don’t understand what he saw or felt. This speaks of the weakness of the spirit. A strong spirit brings clearness. It is namely the strength, and clearness is a sign of strength.
“So I answered and spoke to the angel who talked with me, saying, “What are these, my lord?” – That is, he saw it, but understands not, what he saw – this is normal. So he asks God questions – it so wonderful when we talk to God and ask Him questions. But it is important to wait, not always the Lord answers right there.
Do you ask God questions? Some of us used to, when they believed, asking Him about Scripture places that were unclear, and the Lord would answer in different ways. But others never ask God questions, and that’s a pity. To have a question inside your head doesn’t mean you ask it. We should ask God questions. I encourage you for this kind of fellowship, to raise the quality and level of relationship and ask God questions. Sometimes a question is so beautiful in itself that doesn’t even require an answer. Try to communicate with your dear ones by questions. Our relationships and fellowship should be intricately beautiful. To have fellowship is a privilege of princes. To have an interesting fellowship is even a higher blessing. To have an anointed, beautiful, delightful fellowship, so that it opens up portals, – this is happiness! If we stay with you together, would it be interesting? Would we fellowship, what would it be about? But with some people you want to be for days, because there’s a rich inner world, it is always unpredictable, it’s like a journey into the unknown, into the intellectual realms. And you don’t have to know much for this or have much experience. I love people who always ask questions.
“So I answered and spoke to the angel who talked with me, saying, “What are these, my lord?” – How is that you are asking, you just said it all? – No, I don’t know. – “Then the angel who talked with me answered and said to me, “Do you not know what these are?” – What is this, Angel? Aren’t you harrying, isn’t the time short? The Angel is playing with this man, while it’s been already a while and there are thousands unsaved! – “And I said, No, my Lord”.
And there God’s answer is coming, intriguing, as if from afar. He speaks so that He is drawing into His world. O how I desire to learn to speak so high. To speak so you have to think so. To think so you have to dwell there. To dwell there you have to live by this and walk at this level, not in primitive things, but in high places.
Interesting people aren’t many. Interesting people are those who have experience, and those who have the spirit, high spirit. There skeptics who watch and see negative things. I ask that you may change this, this is not Christian view, this is bad spirit. He can restrain, but he is always negative. If he says something of his own, it is always something bad. Avoid such people and change if this is you. Mind that less and less people will want to be around you, because you emanate negative – why? The world is wonderful, but you are mean.
“So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel:
‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts”. That is, not by the great number, nor by the strength. Strength can be different, but not even by the spiritual strength. “…but by My Spirit’, says the Lord of hosts”.
Literally, it is “by Ruah”, which is spirit like wind – the breath of God. By the breath of God all things are fulfilled. Not by strength, not by pressure, not by multitudes. Not because we are greater in number, but because the breath of God is life.
I want to inspire you that we may seek the breath of God – in this knock at our hearts, in the appearances, in the dreams, in the Angels, in the Word of God, in the epiphany; in our fellowship and relationship, when we scan the nature of our relationship; in our service that comes from our heart, as we test ourselves, whether we do it from the heart or out of complaint – may all and everything be permeated by the breath of the Lord of hosts. It permeates all things like the heavenly odor. You can hear it, you can feel it, because this is Ruah of God. This is the greatest value given to us from heaven. Ruah is moving now, and He is with us and in us and around us. Can you feel this? How much do you value this divine Ruah around you? Is this Ruah present in your place where you are now? Even now we are gathered around the Lord our Messiah, Yeshua, Who died and rose again and lives forever – His Ruah moves all over the Universe.
‘Who are you, O great mountain?
Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain!
And he shall bring forth the capstone
With shouts of “Grace, grace to it!”
Oh, Lord, I receive this word! I believe that this word is spoken to me. I don’t know what you will do with it, I have read it in my Bible about myself. I can’t control your faith, draw it out or accelerate it. I don’t touch this, I am not Lord God to accelerate your faith or do anything with it. I looked at this today and was amazed that this is for me, this is my word.
“Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain!” And I remember those mountains, and they are there even now. But when you rise in Ruah, you soar in Ruah, you rise above the mountains, and there you realize – this is prayer! What I prayed and asked before – that wasn’t prayer. Here’s prayer in divine delight, full of clearness and wide open heart, contemplation and love, and beauty and the breath of God, the breath of eternity, which breathes in your heart. Then all those mountains become plains from high above. If you look at photos take from a space ship, you can’t say whether it is a mountain or a ravine, because all the mountains become plains. Only what is precious is visible on those photos, when a divine look gazes from above.
And this anointed one under the mantle of Zerubbabel is also a builder and this is what he will do: “he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace to it!”
Grace is an incredible well. If you cast a stone in it, you will have to wait for years for an echoing sound. I don’t know if there is bottom there. And this stone receives glory and loud shouts, everyone is shouting, Grace! Grace to it!
And I think, I will bring forth this stone of grace, and I want to carry this stone of grace! I, Zerubbabel, who carries the stone of grace. If you don’t help me, I will carry it on my back. This belongs to us. If you are weak to believe this, I am sorry for you, I take this to myself. And today the Lord knocked to me that I receive this word, that I carry the mantle of Zerubbabel and carry grace to you. Grace, grace to this stone. Isn’t it grace to praise Ruah of God, to praise the breath of God. And I am carrying this stone of grace. What stone are you carrying? Is this grace that is emanating from you? Is Ruah washing over you, your life and this stone?
Many saints didn’t know they were saints. Many anointed ones would never imagine they could be spoken of in this manner. In their own eyes they were like no one. This is contrite spirit, which is an essential condition that grace may comfortably rest on you as the dove rested upon Jesus. Contrite and humble spirit will attract this Dove. The tiny pieces of the spirit, gathered together and glued back by the grace and mercy and love of the Lord are so fragile that you hardly touch them and they crush apart, then get together again. Such a person crushes himself and gathers back, crushes and gathers, blown around by Ruah – you crush yourself, and the Lord gathers back. Grace rests on these spirits.
Nobody wants fairytales, don’t tell fairytales about Jesus either, because we do tell tales about Jesus that it’s hard for Jesus to recognize Himself in them. And we think that we glorify God by that – no, we don’t. Exaggeration is the same kind of lie only to the other side. To exaggerate glory is right lie, to diminish glory is left lie – why would you need it at all?
“ Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying: “The hands of Zerubbabel
Have laid the foundation of this temple; His hands shall also finish it.Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me to you”.
And I thought, “Yes, Lord”, I heard this word several times, and I don’t know about you, whether you are weak or strong, but I receive this word. My hands started many things here, and I will also finish it. The question is “when, brother Roman, will you know that you have finished?” I will tell you, though I don’t have to. – When the next generation of disciples are established in the ministry, and when they have the same DNA of faith, and the same kind of anointing, which was at the laying of foundation. When they have the same kind of faith and cast as fiercely against the enemy of the souls of men; who build zealously, serve fiercely and battle righteously; and who deliver themselves completely to the service of God; for whom service is a privilege and sacrifice is a privilege and not any pressed out manipulation; who will have their ministers as strong as the fathers – then it is called to finish the building. Look around you, pastors, and find who of the people can do the same thing. And they shouldn’t be people of the same generation, but of the next one or further, second, third, fourth generation – the same kind of nature. But some shouldn’t impart, because you don’t have the nature yourselves, you are still on the way.
Therefore, I will carry this corner stone and will shout, Grace, grace to it, and I will finish the building, when the next generation stands next in the same nature of DNA and will likewise adore the Ruah that was loved at the foundation.
“For who has despised the day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see
The plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel. They are the eyes of the Lord, which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth.”
The eyes of the Lord watch the plumb line in our hands, which is the most accurate tool, to make the most accurate vertical down to the point. The seven eyes, the seven spirits of the Lord rejoice to see the plumb line. Does our plumb line bring joy to the eyes of the Lord? What kind of plumb line is in your church? Is there justice? Is there mercy, love, forgiveness – all that the Lord commanded? Is there this all forgiving mercy, when you are the one who pities others and keeps no evil inside? When there’s no evil inside you, no offence, no bitterness. If there is, it means the plumb line goes sideway, it means the eyes of the Lord don’t rejoice. I don’t know how to define those eyes, sometimes they look scary to me, but nevertheless, I would discern the joy.
How about my plumb line? How do the eyes of the Lord see it? How do the eyes of the Lord see my preaching the Word? I present my plumb line in my preaching. Is it like the plumb line of Zerubbabel?
And the day when Zerubbabel understood it all, when he comprehended and accepted it, that day became great. I want to hold the plumb line in my hand, so that the eyes of the Lord may rejoice.
“Then I answered and said to him, “What are these two olive trees—at the right of the lampstand and at its left?” – The prophet wants it to the end! And he repeats his question as the angel is silent – And I further answered and said to him, “What are these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two gold pipes from which the golden oil drains?”
I want to have this kind of anointing as Zachariah, as Zarubbabel, the same kind of relationship, when the Lord becomes your conversation partner. Transit into a new level of relationship. Step over your own experience, which had certain success, but it’s primitive. You need to quit this site, transit into the next level. Learna from these things – we are reading the Bible. Look how many questions to God, not to the angel, but to God. The Angel is just a messenger, a representative, he brings the message precisely according to the order.
“Then he answered me and said, “Do you not know what these are?” – look at this fellowship, the angel is playing questions – So he said, “These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth.”
All thing are put together, with God all things are put together in harmony. And these two anointed come forth to help Zerubbabel to carry the stone of grace. Not only the seven spirits help, but all the witnesses who shout “Grace, grace to it”, and the angel speaking, and the two anointed who are yet just springing branches – all are focused on helping Zarubbabel, and all of this is for the glory of the Lord, all this is meant that we may fulfill the divine plan.
Can you put yourself inside this chapter, inside this revelation? Or do you read it as a fairy tale? This now belongs to me. This knock at the door, what He gave to me and I shared with you. Some believed somewhat, others don’t believe, there are few who believed.
The Lord is calling us! The stone is coming and the shoutings and sounds are around him – don’t you hear it? Ruah is bringing it to my ears, Ruah is carrying the sound, He isn’t behind the sound, there’s no physical wind faster than sound, but Ruah is rushing ahead and He brings the quiet breath and the sound “Grace, grace to it!”
Who are you, great mountain, before Zarubbabel? You are a plain!… Your hands laid the foundation, they shall finish the building… And the two anointed are sent to you so that you may bring joy to the eyes of our Lord.
Such are the things in our Kingdom. And this isn’t of the earth, of the city or land – this is about where you are with Him! Eternity is in their hearts. Amen.